~Tagged... AGAIN~

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Hey my little lazybugs!! Lazy here and I was tagged 3 more times. Y'all know the rules it's the same from before BUT!! (butt :3) I'm gonna stop it on me. THIS WHEN FOR FAR TOO LONG!!

I'll answer them and then that's it :3 so hope y'all enjoy.

From the lovely Clawdeenh1gh who I appreciate the tag hun :3

1- Lazy or Active?

*looks at the camera like in The Office* No but seriously now. I keep saying that I'm lazy, which is not a lie, but sometimes I think it's good to move and make things work. 

2- Do you have origin? 

Yes I do.

3- If so, what kinda games?

I only have the sims 4 in it. I use Steam much more.

4- What kinda music you like? 

It depends on my mood, but currently, Indie Electronica.

5- Have you watched Alaska bush people?

Nope :p

6- What your favorite movie?

It's a really old one, from 1997 I think? The Mummy. It's a really great movie and it inspired me to like ancient Egypt things :3

7. Hug a cactus or stick a toothpick under your big toe nail and kick a wall


8. What do you do on the weekends?

Get on Skype, play games with my friends, eat everything, write when I get inspired and sleep throw my problems.

9. Xbox or Xbox one

PS3 and PS4 user here hehe :3

10. What USA state do you live in?

I don't live in USA.

11. Ever try and sneeze and it goes away and you had to fake one of let it slide?

Yes, and it hurts my heart every time. Where did you goooo~

12. What was your favorite book, and have you deleted it?

Well, I like every book that I read, there's no especific favorites :3 If I'm readying anyone's book, considerate on my 'let me hug you when I meet you' list. 

13. Fnaf 1, 2, 3, or 4


Alriiight, now for the next one, from... _LittleCutesyPie_ again... I'm gonna grab the butter girl, don't you dare >>

1- What was the best thing that happened to you? EVER!

Welp, there're lots on the list. *shows a book* Yeh, lots. Mostly, is meeting the people that I still talk to this day. 

2- Who is the person that you look up the most? 

Welp, my mom, my auntie and grandmother., they are kinda in the same level. The women on our family are pretty strong and we don't tend to give up and stop when something goes wrong. There's always a way around things. Just because plan A didn't work, plan B won't either. And the future is not certain 100%, things change all the time. We just gotta keep on fighting and never forgetting to look behind us and be proud of the things we passed and how far we have came. 

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