Orchestra Time

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A tale of Orchestra rehearsals from the view of Saphoon, Hugo Turner and Chris "Crumpets" Crumpton

The clock hand swings round to half past three,
We all look up; Chris, Hugo and me,
"Just five more minutes, they'll never know!"
But all the same we get up and go.

In we walk with our instruments in hand,
Proud members of this half-decent band.
I walk off to pick up our chairs,
Always accompanied by barn owl's stares.

We soon sit down, ready to play,
For Mack the knife, much to our dismay,
The baton is raised ready to beat,
But all we hear is the shuffling of feet.

In through the door bursts a custard so flabby,
I can only assume her name is Abi,
"Sorry miss, I had Saxidentals today",
" well quickly get ready, you're causing a delay!"

The baton falls down and the strings start to go,
What a wonderful tempo, the wrong side of slow,
Back in the wind Hugo starts to plot,
What's in his head, usually not a lot.

He slowly turns to our favourite crumpet,
Just as he starts to blow his trumpet,
Then he pokes him right in the ribs,
I try to join in but Hugo has dibs.

The Horn joins the song just after letter C,
Unfortunately it's only ever offbeats for me,
Well it's either that or a solo I suppose,
I wouldn't like that as everyone knows.

We carry on playing until we come to a close,
Then we all get up and everyone goes,
I start to pack up and that's that,
Until barn owl comes over for a a little chat.

Crumpets and Hugo listen in with glee
As she tries to deny her love for me,
After a while we all file out of the door,
But only 'till next week, we'll be back for more

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