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Olivia climbed into Jackson's hearse with a thank you already in her mouth. But Jackson turned around, glaring at her ferociously. "It is eleven o' clock at night and I was really freaking busy, why did you call me!?" He asked, his voice angry and sharp.

"Its a really long story, can we go to your house?" Olivia asked tiredly. Jackson looked at her incredulously. She never gave up on arguments so easily, especially when it was him she was arguing with. "Okay, but I'm gonna pick up Sofia," he said. Olivia groaned and threw her head back. Sofia would surely yell at her once she told them the story.

Jackson pulled into Sofia's driveway and leaned out his window. "Sofie! Come outside!" He yelled, and the Latino girl's head popped out of her door. "Jackson?" She yelled back. "Yeah! And Olivia Camille!" he explained. Sofia grinned and went back inside. Olivia smiled as Jackson and Sofia yelled back and fourth to each other. Their friends never cared what anyone thought, and by now, Greyson Ridge had gotten used to their shenanigans.

Sofia skipped out of the house in a black tee-shirt dress and leather jacket, and the biggest smile on her face. "I've been up all night! I knew something was gonna happen!" she squealed happily. She hopped into the car and looked back at Olivia. "You're usually at home right now, why are you up?" Sofia asked, cocking an eyebrow at Olivia.

She scrambled for words when Jackson saved her. "Its a story. She said she'd tell us when we got to my house," he pulled out of her neighborhood and gave her a smirk. "I'm looking forward to an explanation." Sofia shrugged and turned back into her seat. Olivia let out a relieved breath and slumped into her seat.

The Ridge Gang formed in eighth grade. Seventh grade had just been Jackson and Brent annoying Kendyl, Sofia, and Olivia, but then they started to actually hang out, and before long they counted each other as friends. Olivia didn't know what she would do without them, but she would never admit that.

"Olivia Camille, we're here," Jackson said, tapping her knee. She looked up and nodded, then slid out. She looked up and they were in front of the apartment building he'd lived in ever since he ran away. His parents had helped him rent a place once they figured out he wasn't coming back.

Jackson grabbed her left hand and Sofia her right. Olivia tried to pull away but it was too late. She felt the familiar pinch behind her eyes and burning in her nose and sweat on her neck despite the frigid wind.

A few tears leaked out of the corners of her eyes and she tried to keep them back for Sofia and Jackson's sake, but it was no use.

"Are you okay?" Sofia's voice softened to velvet and Olivia shook her head hard and fast. "Yes yes, I'm fine we just- we just need to get inside," she choked on her tears and words so much she couldn't tell the difference between them

They walked to Jackson's apartment in silence, accept for Olivia's sniffling and insistence that Jackson keep his hands to himself.

When they finally got there, he opened the door and ushered both of the girls inside.

When Olivia stepped in, she immediately relaxed. Two couches and loveseats filled the room, and it was lit up with candles. It looked the same as it had last time Olivia was there, and as it had sophomore year when he got it.

Sofia plopped down on the black velvet loveseat and patted the seat next to her. "Sit down and tell Auntie Sof your problems," she chuckled. Olivia coughed back more tears, but trudged over and sat next to her. Jackson handed Sofia and Olivia coffee and Olivia looked at him questioningly. "How did you make this so quickly?" Sofia asked. Jackson shrugged. "I'm not the one you should be asking questions," he said, gesturing towards Olivia with his mug. she glared and took a sip of her's. Black with four sugars, just as she liked it.

"I went home around four, and when my dad got home, he started talking about Sinclair being mad at me because I was going though the same phase she did and I'm going to make bad decisions." Olivia rolled her eyes, thinking about her older sister and her constant nagging about growing up like her and doing the same bad things she did. As if.

"I started arguing back, and Jenny came in and said that I was humiliating to our family. I told her to fuck off and he hit me." Olivia finished and grabbed at her face. "I shouldn't have been so rude, I know, but they've usually been okay with me being myself and all of a sudden they're mad at me!" She shouted, rubbing at her face and forcing back another wave of tears.

"Hey, don't cry. They'll get over it, and I'm sure it was just a reflex. You can make people pretty mad, Olivia Camille," Jackson stated, folding his feet underneath him. Sofia patted Olivia's back, but stopped when the pale girl glared at her. "He's right, Liv. You can be pretty offputting," she confessed.

Olivia swatted Sofia's shoulder, but gave her a weak smile. She knew she made people mad, it was part of her charm. But she never thought her dad would lay a hand on her. Ever. "Okay. Thanks for being there for me. Jackson, you know I'm staying here for the night, right?" She said, grinning wolfishly and propping her feet up on the old coffee table. "Of course, I do. And this isn't the only time you're going to come crawling here for support," he chuckled, getting up to refill his mug.

"Hey! I'm not that needy! I'd rather sleep under the bridge than stay here another time!" She yelled after him, but laughter coated her voice. She loved Jackson and his apartment, no matter how much she joked. Sofia kicked off her boots and grinned at Olivia. "Well, I'm staying here tonight too, to make sure there's no hanky-panky," she trilled, pushing up the sleeves of her jacket.

Olivia shoved her and started to laugh. "Ew! Jackson! Come back here before Sof makes more sex jokes!" Olivia shrieked. He came back into the room with his mug refilled and the coffee pot.

Olivia gave him her mug and pushed her hands through her hair. Everything would be okay.

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