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Olivia Camille scoffed at me. "You're mad if you think we're gonna talk about that," she started to get up from the dirt, only to have me grab her ankle. She glared down at me and her eyes, like honey, hardened into amber. I let go.

"Well, aren't we friends now? I'd like to know a little bit about my friend!" I protested as I stood up. She shook her head. "You've gotta be level 79 friendship level to unlock my tragic backstory, Scarbucks is only level 4." I frowned to conceal my laughter. She was such a nerd it made my heart hurt.

We started to walk towards another van and when she opened the trunk, she went in first and I followed. I closed the door as well, but if she thought we were going to look at her wonderful drawing of Brent, she was wrong.

She was fiddling with the flashlight when I turned around and tackled her, taking a minute of struggle to pin her hands down and to sit on her thighs to keep her down.

"Get off!" She screamed. I smirked back, rather smugly. I was rather proud I'd pinned down Olivia Camille Corker, but in the back of my mind I suspected she was just bored and tired of fighting. Whatever, I'd let myself have this little victory.

"If I can't work my way to level 79, I'll cheat." Olivia glared back. "You cheesy mother fucker." I batted away our light chatter and blurted it. "What happened last night? Why were you trying to kill yourself? Everyone in the school has these insane theories about you and I kinda believe some of them, especially considering the fact that I just witnessed you speak Latin or whatever that guy was, that you spray paint the inside of vans, and that you hang out in junkyards or on traintracks. I want to know the truth. I want to know the real Olivia Camille," The words spewed out of my mouth endlessly, and it was more than I expected. When I finished, tears were pricking the corners of Olivia's eyes.

So Olivia Camille could cry, and botox didn't keep her from it. I tried to come up with something funny to say to make her feel better, but all my questions were floating around in my head and jokes had taken the backdoor out. In the midst of my conundrum, Olivia sat up, calmly, and yanked her hand out of my grip, her rings scratching my palm. I was so shocked by her strength I didn't even protest when she shoved me off of her by my chest. Yet again, I'd managed to piss Olivia off.

She didn't even sniff, just dabbed at her eyes with her fingers and spoke. "That is none of your business. You barely know anything about me, you're just like everyone else!" Her voice was rising steadily higher and my anger was getting worse.

"Everyone else wants to know the 'real Olivia Camille,'" she mocked in a silly voice. "Yet they spread rumors about me that couldn't be farther from the truth. I'm married to a rich Korean man? Please, I've never been out of Missouri. I do heroine, apparently, but I've only ever done weed, once, with Kendyl, and I'm not the one wearing weed socks like the senior James Two-Blunts who wears cannabis socks!" She tightened her ponytail. "I never asked you for saving, Charlie, and I never will. I can save myself." She started to climb out of the van, but I grabbed her skinny wrist and pulled her around to face me, angry words hot in my throat.

"Yeah, well I'm not everyone else! I didn't give a damn about you until last night, when you obviously did need saving," I spit, making her flinch. But unlike her tears, I didn't care about her fear.

I tightened my grip on her wrist. "Maybe people wouldn't say outrageous things about you if you didn't act so ominous. Maybe you should go to school one of these days and be nice to someone, instead of breaking some fat girl's heart and never coming back-" The blood drained from her face. "You know about Maxwell?" she whispered. I rolled my eyes and flung her wrist away. I was disgusted by all the secrets. "Everyone does, Olivia. In fact, she's got a boyfriend now. Maxwell is doing great. Which you'd know if you gave a damn about anyone but yourself." I pushed past her and out of the van, forgetting to close my eyes and cussing under my breath when the sun found my eyes. In was tired of being in the same room with Olivia Camille and all her mysteries.

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