Chapter 30

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Moto picked up the trio at the Seiku airport in a Lincoln Super Stretch limousine. He collected the team and their meager belongings (a backpack and laptop each) and traveled the Strait of Juan de Fuca highway to a research station near Orzette, Washington.

The three researchers huddled together on a bench seat, snuggled under a tacky blue blanket, featuring a garish white stallion, they'd picked up at a roadside stand. The air-conditioner blasted and all vents pointed at the uncovered James as he lounged on the opposite bench.

Moto read from the "Explore Washington!" booklet he'd picked up at the stand. ".. . And there is a nice footbridge in Clallam's downtown that goes over Clallam River and brings you to the beach, where eagles, osprey, and other birds can usually be seen. From there, you can walk to the Slip Point Lighthouse and enjoy the low-tide marine life." He looked to James for reflection or remark; getting none, he closed the book. It was apparent no one was paying him much attention. Melinda dozed and Dan still monitored the progress of the Mola on his tablet.

"When we reach the Orzette Ranger Station, we will use one of their vehicles to get us to our lab," Moto said.

James shifted and sat upright. "Will Hank be there?" he asked. Melinda opened one eye in interest, and Dan watched Moto, curious of his answer.

"Yes, he is waiting for us" Moto replied.

The rest of the trip passed by in silence interrupted only by heavy sighs of restless nappers, and periodic oohs and ahs as they watched the Mola suit's progress.

They traveled along the Hoko River, speeding toward the pacific coast; the researchers took little time to appreciate the ruggedly beautiful landscape they passed through. For the last leg of their journey they transferred into an All-Terrain Denali and bounced and jangled along the dirt road that led to the research station.

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