The Opening

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As she sat at her favorite spot in the entire planet, she wondered if it was okay. What she was feeling. Then she heard a voice in the background.
"You shouldn't be sitting up here, Elyse. Come down before you get us both killed."
For safety, I won't reveal who this was. I will say that this was a wealthy woman with a rich husband. A total jerk in my opinion. She was ashamed of her daughter for not wanting to be with the family business. It was just madness. I geuss I should say who I am.
Hi! I'm Elyes Bucherson. I think you can figure out who the other one is. I can't tell you what the family business is, because we are supposed to be a secret. Let's just say we aren't what we think. Anyway, I have brown hair, with black, blue, and purple streaks and highlights. My hair is my pride and joy. I am nineteen, and I love reading, sports, singing, and video games. Sounds like I have a great life right? WRONG!!!
If I told you everything right now, you wouldn't have anything shocking to find out later, so I'm keeping quiet about me right now. I told my mom I would be down on a second. By the way, she was yelling at me because I was on the roof again. My favorite place to sit and think. I think its because I'm alone and I have no worries. I came down, but only because I had to get ready for school. Even though I'm nineteen. So as I got dressed I rubbed aloe on my arms and face. I went downstairs and ate breakfast. Frosted Flakes. My mom and dad started a debate on weather or not Donald Trump would become a good president. I wanted to jump out the window.
I heard the bus and shoveled down the rest of my cereal and headed outside. Right away I knew today was going to be a bad day. I hopped on the bus and sat down.
"What's up loser?" Brenden says.
"Hey Brenden," I responded with.
Brenden is my best friend. He's eighteen and we've been friends since we were three. I'm only older than him by one month and six days. He has stuck up for me on many occasions. I don't think I need to tell you. If your smart you can figure it out. If you cant , you'll get it sooner or later. The first period bell rings and we walk our separate ways.
  I'm sitting in math and I get a note. 'If you knew what was good for you, you would kill yourself-everyone'. Harsh. I'm used to this kind of stuff and not bothered. I threw it in the trash and start working on my math problems. All during class I was heating kids snickering behind and all around me. I ignored it. As usual.
  After all my morning classes, I'm sitting at lunch by myself. Not surprising. Brenden is always sitting with his soccer buddies. So as you can see, even he has a life. But, I couldn't be happier.

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