The Note

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After I had gotten the strange 'message" if you even want to call it that, my life became a down spiral. The reason Im nineteen is because of whoever had sent me and the students at my school the picture. I had gone completely insane and started drinking and after I became sober, I started cutting. Well, a lot of people do it and I thought it was fine. Then last week I went to school finding a note on my locker. It was telling me that would be best if I died. The next day I found another note. But on my pillow when I awoke. It said that I was the one to commit the crimes and that I should just turn myself in. Well I knew two things after that.
I used to sleep walk so bad, that sometimes, I would wake to find myself in another TOWN! That's how bad it was sometimes. Any way, after I found the note saying I did it, I started to question my innocence. Maybe I was really the one responded for the deaths... Sometimes I don't even know if anything is really what it seems.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2016 ⏰

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