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Minaho's POV

Manabe is weird. I walked in his room and heard him 'moaning' my name. Good thing it was only me who heard him do so. Manabe is dreaming about me.

But what sort of dream? I think he's having sexual fantasies. But why? Yeah, I guessed that he likes me for a long time now. We've been best friends for a long time now since the match against Mach Tiger. But I have my own case that I can't seem to solve.

I feel so comfortable with Manabe around; I think he feels the same. Not to mention that we've been sharing secrets ever since, and I think he's hiding something. Though it's not like I don't as well.

I think I like him.

I blushed in that. That, is the case I can't solve. I'm not really sure but that's my hypothesis for now, but once I reach a certain conclusion, it'll end up correct. I tried to focus more on my training, I guess.

After an hour, everybody went out the Black Room to rest, and of course because its lunch. I saw Manabe sitting with Matatagi, Ibuki and Sakura.

I smiled and sat beside Manabe as I placed my tray on the table. "Hey Manabe." I said. He was looking at some data about the next team we were going to fight against. America's Team, Unicorn which coach said a bit earlier before Manabe arrived. Someone must've told him.

He looked up and gave me a smile which I returned. "Anything about their plays?" Asked Ibuki as he ate his lunch.

"Nothing much... Except that they're a strong team and is coached by someone named Ichinose Kazuya. What do you think Minaho?" Manabe asked while I was eating bits of the food served for lunch.

I stroked my chin and snapped my fingers when I noticed the name. "Ichinose Kazuya was once in their national team. He was known as the field magician." I said and Sakura giggled.

"You sure do know a lot Minaho-kun." She said. I think I felt Manabe-kun's aura darken a bit and its like I heard a him clenching his fist. "Huh? What's wrong Manabe-kun?" Sakura asked, completely oblivious to Manabe-kun's aura. He looked at Sakura with a twisted smile.

"Nothing's wrong Nozaki-san." He then turned to me as if gesturing me something which I guess means that he wants us to go. I nodded and finished up my lunch. He went out the room a few minutes before I did as to the reason that I finished up my food first.

I left the three talking about the next match as I went out the door where I found Manabe lost in thoughts as if he's solving something. "Manabe-kun..." I said. He snapped out of his stupor and looked at me. "A-ah! Minaho! Um... Let's talk about our next opponent shall we?" He said in an awkward manner so I just smiled and nodded at him.

"Where?" I asked as he seem to think of somewhere we could go. "Hmm... Maybe-" he started but I interrupted his sentence. "In your room then." I said as I pulled him or more like dragged him.

We entered his room and both Sat in his bed while looking through the data about our next opponent. There's not a lot of useful information that we could see. Damn, are they hiding something?

We went through some videos about their matches but... "Bad news Minaho-kun..." He said and I tilted my head. Something's wrong I suppose. "They blocked the videos on our country. We can't watch them unless we hack it or something." He said. An idea popped in my head.

"Let me do it." I took the gadget from him and started to fiddle with it. After a few minutes, I gave it back to him.

"What did you do?" He asked. "I changed our location. I put there that we live in New York so try watching it now." I replied then he nodded though I can tell that he's blushing. "Okay." He said as he tapped on the video.

The video loaded and they showed the kick off. The scene lasted for about 10.5 seconds until the while monitor went static


"Was it supposed to do that...?" Manabe asked. He went to touch the gadget but then... It made a high pitch sound that lasted for a second and the gadget smoked. I was about to speak when Manabe jumped at me and we both fell on the side of the bed with his face inches away from mine and his body pressed against mine.

He blushed... I did too but not because of embarrassment... It was the fact that his face was inches away from mine made me feel all wobbly and very warm on the inside. Both of our heartbeats were fast. So its confirmed... So my conclusion is... I like Manabe. No not just like, I meant like like. I like him more than being a friend, that's what I meant.

We were in that awkward position until he tried to stand up. "S-sorry Minaho-kun!" He said as he tried to stand up. He managed to stand but something in my mind came up and I pulled him back down flopping beside me.

"What?!" He said as he hit his head on the floor. I sighed and thought up of an alibi. "Gomen Manabe. I tried to stand up but ended up pulling you." I said as I stood up and helped him stand up, I think I convinced him pretty well as he nodded. "Well thanks anyway." He said.

"So what do we do with it now? They obviously didn't want anyone to know more info about their soccer team. How're we supposed to beat them now if we don't see them play?" Manabe said as he examined the broken gadget.

"Maybe Kuroiwa kantoku knows. We should ask him." I said. He was about to respond when i took his hand and pulled him to the door as the both of us went out of his room.

I thought I saw Manabe. smiling even blushing a tiny bit of pink. Can't argue with that. Even I myself feel like smiling because of the accident earlier and now I'm thinking out of my mind as I get felt my heart pound harder the longer our hands were locked.

Then something clicked in my mind. We came to a stop as I realized what it was. "Minaho?" Manabe asked me.

"I think..."

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