The Fog

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"Listen up maggots!"
Mr.V stared at the group of men in front of him. A good sized group, 20 fit men handpicked by the Company sent here to serve their duties.

"What's the number one rule the Company goes by?"

The men answered simultaneously "WHAT THE COMPANY SAYS GOES!"

Fucking sheep.

"Fantastic!" Mr.V said while staring them down like a hawk. 

Most of the men stared straight past with emotionless expressions pressed into their miserable mugs. One man to the far left of the line met Mr.V's gaze and shot his eyes down hoping he didn't notice.

He did.

Mr.V stomped up to the man and in an instant, the poor guy was 3 feet in the air with a death-grip on his  neck. His neck already getting red from the grip, tried to loosen it with his hands but to no avail, he was going nowhere.

"I guess I need to tell you guys how things operate under me." Mr.V said as he dropped the man, who was now crumpled on the floor gasping for air. 

"No Eye Contact! No Questions! No Emotions! No Exceptions!" He grabbed the man by the collar and dragged him towards the edge of the tent. The facility was protected by tall, jet-black towers with a bright blue haze emanating from small glowing orbs that were slightly hovering over the tips of the towers. They looked like obsidian spires with small blue stars floating on top of each one.  In the middle of the facility was a long black pole taller than the rest of the towers and the energy from the towers seemed to float up to it. The technology the Company comes up with always struck Mr.V with awe as the gadgets they made always had him questioning the capability of man. Before the Impact, the towers were used by the Company to create 'Controlled Biomes' for specific experiments. Weather manipulation grids are calibrated to the towers to make an energy field around the designated area and depending on the weather differences, you can see the energy field surrounding the area giving it a tent-like look. In this case, the field was fully engulfed in the fog so it truly looked like a rippling, transparent tent. 

More like a fuckin ghost tent to me. Mr.V thought as he was looking at the rippling white wall in front of him. Still holding the man's collar, he forced the man back onto his feet. 

"I'm sure you are all aware of what the fog can do to a human."

Silence ensues.

"Oh for Christ's sake!" Mr.V looks at the men and in a sarcastic teacher voice he says," Your allowed to speak when spoken to children it's okay!" The men let out an unsure "Yes sir we're aware sir." 

Mr.V let out a sinister smirk, "Have you ever witnessed the effects of the fog?". The men were noticeably uncomfortable by then. "Uh, No sir we have not." 

"Well neither have I!" Mr.V said with his smirk turning into sick, twisted grin as he tossed the man through the energy field. "I want every one of you to watch and see what happens when you step out of line!" The men's eyes were wide open but not all of them from shock. Some of the men shared the same twisted grin as Mr.V's and you can tell they were excited with morbid curiosity at what would happen next. 

The man got back to his feet and started to instantly panic. A few moments passed and nothing. The men looked around and the man looked at himself, then looked back to Mr.V. 

Mr.V was pissed. His smirk went to an instant sneer as he exclaimed, "Are you fucking kidding me!" I can't believe this!! The first example i try to set and the fucker turns out to be a damned hybrid!!! OOO wait till i see Mal- 

Mr.V's thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a low moan coming from the man on the other side. The air felt still as everyone looked at the man with intent and horror. The man's moan slowly turned into a faint gargle as blood started to pour from every orifice of his body. His eyes, ears, nose and mouth were dripping and was showing no sign of slowing down. In fact, it started pouring out faster and faster as if he was being deflated like a bouncy house. In the span of less than a minute, the man was reduced to a heaping pile of unrecognizable flesh. It was a disgusting sight even for Mr.V's twisted mind. The eyesore of a carcass then sat there steaming for a few more moments until seemingly getting absorbed into the Earth itself. 

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