Chapter: four

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Harry left the room about 15mins later, i was left lying in the bed trapped in my own body ... what ever they gave me made me lose all control of my body.

but that wasn't even the worst of it, All night! All night , by the next morning i was so sore and bloody i never wanted to move again, not like could although the drugs were starting to ware off.

" Morning love" Harry beamed. when he  came into the room just the sight of him made my insides hurt.

" Were leaving .. so im gonna help you take a shower an dress. and if you know whats good for you ... you'd behave"

" Can i see Sara?" i asked.

" Maybe but only if you behave"  

" i will i promise"

He lifted me from the bed and carried me to the bathroom the was on the other side of the room, sitting me down on the floor.

"Bath or shower?"

" i don't think i can stand so bath"

" Bubbles or no?"

"Bubbles ... why are you being so nice?"

" What makes you think i wasn't being nice before?"

" If what you did before is what you call nice ... i'd hate to see what you think mean is ..."

" Like i said don't take it personal i was just doing my job, be glad you lived through it"


" Shhh quite or they'll here you"

i nodded as he lifted me up and sat me in the tub, everything between my legs felt like it was on fire and about to fall out. i jumped at the pain.

" that's gonna hurt for a while but if your a good girl maybe liam will fix it for you" he smiled.

" How?"

" Behave and you'll find out"

i nodded and focused on the water in the tub that was now a dull red color for the blood being washed off.

" are you starting to get some control of your body back?"

" i can move my arms and legs now ... my necks still a bit stiff"

He looked deep into my grey eye's with his green ones they were so beautiful it was like i couldn't turn away. if i didn't know any better i would of sworn they were glowing.

" If you swear you won't run, i won't drug you again"

" I swear i won't run" i repeated his words in a trance like  state.

" You smell so good, do you know that?'

" I smell so good" I repeated.

he smiled and i mirrored his action. smiling back at him.

" Get dressed, fix your hair, and come into the living room"

" Yes Sir"

Harry left the bathroom and i snapped out of my trance like state, but for some odd reason i felt the needed to Obey his orders.

I fished cleaning myself, wrapped my body in a towl and let the water out of the tub. the pain between my legs was even more intense than before but i kept doing what Harry told me. 

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