The Beast: Prologue

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All my life, I've been warned about The Beast.

He stalks in the night, attacking and ending the life of any creature he comes upon.

No regret. No emotion. No mercy.

He's faster than light, and as graceful as the wind. He is relentless. Powerful. Some say, a living demon. His fangs are sharper than a blade, and his eyes as dark as the night. 

Nothing can stop him- nothing except us. My people. We hold the secret to ending the Beasts forever and making sure they never return. One shot- that's all it takes. 

I am a Protector, assigned to keep my village and people safe from the Beast and his brothers. I've been trained my whole life to be the fastest, the smartest, and the strongest. Without these qualities, I wouldn't last a day outside the village gates, defending my people.

I'm ready to fight The Beasts- more determined than I've ever been before about anything else. I yearn for the moment my silver arrow pierces their hearts and the torture of constant fear is forever silenced. I have to avenge my father's death if it's the last thing I do.

But revenge is the last thing on my mind when I meet a real live Beast, which is nothing if not human. In fact, he's like no other creature I've ever seen. Very dangerous...and yet very beautiful. Just the sight of him takes my breath away. 

I know that he is the enemy. I know that I should never trust a beast. Never.

But somehow...I start to. 

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