Chapter 2

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I couldn't breathe. Voices and faces swirled around me as I took my seat, the world seeming to slow down completely. 

 I was a Protector. 

I could feel a smile spreading across my face as I zoned out the world and focused on the steady rhythm of my beating heart. My dream had finally come true. Feelings of contentment and happiness swirled inside of me, the feeling better than anything I could have ever imagined. 

I felt Collin watching me and I turned to him. He was smiling wider than ever before, giving me his famous "all knowing" look that spread across his whole face. I couldn't help but smile along with him. 

Before I knew it, Fiona raised her fist in the air and chanted those famous words again. 

"Protect the people and kill the beast!" 

Everyone in the crowd followed, but I couldn't find my voice. I mouthed the words along with Fiona and the second it was all over, I crashed into Collin. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into me, his tan skin hot against my touch. I felt him slip his hands around my waste and pull me tighter into his chest, picking me up a few inches from the ground until it felt like I was suspended in thin air. 

A few moments later, Collin brought me slowly to the ground, pulling his face away a few inches so we could see each other. I couldn't stop smiling like a fool, and the bubbly feeling in the pit of my stomach only grew stronger as Collin looked into my eyes, his smile brighter than the sun. 

"I knew you could do it." He said. I just stared back, taking in the moment. 

There was silence between us, even though we were surrounded by hundreds of villagers. 

Collin leaned into me and whispered in my ear, "Come with me." 

The corner of his lips twitched up into a smile and I mirrored it, letting him wrap his hand around mine and pull me through the crowd. I felt myself growing happier and happier with each step, just knowing that I was now a Protector. People shouted congratulations at me as Collin dragged me away, and I replied with a smile and a mute "thank you". A blast of cool air washed over my face as Collin burst through the double doors, pulling me through the doors with him. I turned around once more before the doors closed shut, searching frantically for my mother. She wasn't there. 


"Where are we going?" I said breathlessly, my face still plastered with a grin. Collin had been dragging me through the middle of the village, not saying a word. With everyone at the city hall, the village looked like a ghost town- silent and still. We had been practically running for over ten minutes, but I didn't have any room in my emotions to add "tired" to the list. Happiness was practically buzzing inside of me, and I felt like I could rule the world if I wanted to. 

"Collin, where are we going?" I giggled, the wind whipping my hair back. 

He turned so I could see the side of his face. He smiled, raising an eye brow meticulously. "You'll see." 

I rolled my eyes and huffed, but that only made him chuckle to himself. 

A few minutes later, Collin stopped, making me almost run into his back. 

"What? Where are-"

I paused as I realized exactly where we were. It was the flower field. 

I gasped and let go of Collin's hand, venturing out in front of him to step into the bright pink flowers. They tickled my legs as they brushed my skin. I continued walking, taking in the familiar sight and smell. I shut my eyes as memories began flooding back to me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2011 ⏰

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