Miraculous: Chapter 4

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Ladybug hopped onto the tallest building she could find, excluding the Eiffel tower of course.

She smiled softly as the soft warm wind began to blow through her bangs.

The sky had completely darkened at this time, and the street lights down below casted dim shadows along the sides of the building.

The Eiffel tower, ahead gave just enough right light for everyone still out.

Leaning against an unused chimney she slowly sat down, to enjoy the view.

She needed this time to think things through and understand everything that went about that day.

She wanted to get her thoughts together and think of ways to make things easier for everyone.

She pursed her lips in consideration, when she heard a slight noise.

"I thought I'd find you out here..." A voice emanated softly from behind her.

Her eyes widened and she jumped with slight shock.

She whipped her head back and sighed.

"What the- don't do that! You scared me!" She said, her chest heaving up and down.

"I'm sorry, my lady" Chat Noir said with a cocky smile and was soon beside her in an instant.

She scrunched her face as she looked at him.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, as her heart beat started to slow respectively.

"I didn't think you to be the stalker type." She added.

The black cat's shoulders shook slightly with laughter.

Lady bug rolled it off and smiled some as she looked down to the streets ahead.

"You should feel some sort of accomplishment. It's not always a bad thing I show where you are." He winked.

Ladybug rolled her eyes.

"Try not to flatter yourself so much. How do you know where I am anyway?" She asked with a raised brow.

"I'm a cat, I've got a keen sense in the dark" he said, pointing to his bright green eyes through the mask.

"That doesn't prove anything" she giggled. "I never took you as a stalker cat" she said softly and touched her lips.

He scooted closer with a small smile.

"I wouldn't call it that." He replied. "I think we'd be pretty good together."

Lady bug shuddered and then shook her head.

"I'd rather be possessed by an akuma." She said with pursed lips.

Chat Noir pouted as he gave an exasperating gasp and held his hand to his chest.

"Ouch... Really painful" he replied.

Lady bug giggled and then slowly touched the tip of his nose politely.

"I'm sure you'll come to take back those words, my lady." He said with a raised brow.

Marinette shuddered beneath the mask. Lately, his flirting had become more and more bold. She was appreciative that he backed down respectively every moment she had shown an inch of uncomfort.

However, this time she figured she would see how far it would go this time. She had a long day, and she knew Chat Noir long enough, why not throw him a treat every now and then again. Plus his silly demeanor sometimes cheered her up when she was feeling blue... But only sometimes.

Miraculous: Marinette's Baby (Miraculous FanFic) COMPLETED ✔Where stories live. Discover now