27- Keeping you Safe

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It was getting late in the afternoon and Jadelynn and Alexander were packing their things, getting ready to catch their flight to California. Jadelynn herself was in a somber mood and Alexander really tried to get her out of it, he did. But she just couldn't shake off the conversation she had with her father and brother. Basically her father told her that he didn't regret keeping Jonathan away from her. He also said some pretty awful things to her, which she tried to tell herself was because of his meds. He had his own reasons for everything that he did, and he didn't care about how she felt. That's what she got out of the whole conversation.

Her brother was stone cold the whole time, showing no sympathy for their father and comforting her when she needed it the most. She told her parents goodbye and apologized to her mother and hugged her goodbye. She was really going to miss her, despite of everything that happened between them, she was glad that she got to see her. She was sad that it ended badly again, she had high hopes for her visit but it turned out like it always did. It was better though because she had Alex to help her. She couldn't be too sad though because one good thing did come out of it, and it was meeting her brother.

"Baby, are you ready to go? My pilot just called and said that the jets ready whenever we are."

Jade nodded and finished putting her things in her little tote bag. She didn't know why she was still so sad. It was usually easy for her to shake stuff off, but this time she couldn't. Probably because it was her father and she had so many problems with him. It just didn't seem fair to her, how he could just do what he did and act like it isn't a big deal. Jadelynn knew that neither her or her brother deserved that. No child did.

"Jadelynn, are you listening to me?"

She snapped out of her little daze to see Alexander standing right in front of her with a concerned look on his face. He reached his hand out to place it on her cheek, his eyes burning into hers.

"Jadelynn are you alright, I was calling your name for a while and you didn't even hear me. If this is about your dad, I'm sorry baby. I know you didn't want it to end up this way, but you have to look at the bright side. You met your brother, that's wonderful."

"Yes, I guess you're right," Jadelynn replied softly.

She watched as mouth slowly formed into a smile, "And now, you're coming to California with me and were going to have a wonderful time. I'm going to take you out every day, and we'll go sight seeing and then I'll take you out to the best restaurants."

His arms wrapped around her as he kissed her cheek, his lips skimming down to her lips and then back to her ear.

"Then, I'm going to take you back to my house and fück you in every single room. It'll be great, don't you agree?"

Jadelynn was damn near squirming at his words, her body was reacting to him so strongly and she didn't think that would ever change.

Before she could answer he pecked her lips and turned away from her before walking towards the bathroom. He stopped before he reached the door, beckoning her with his hand.

"Let's take a shower, then we can head to the plane."
An hour later the two of them were walking into the same aircraft she was in before he left Boston when she first met him. It was strange to think that she'd known him for almost three months, and to say that he didn't make those three past months a joy would be a lie.

"If everything's to your liking Mr. Kingman we are ready for take off," the pilot said after greeting the two of them on the plane.

"Everything's fine, thank you. What time do you expect we'll be landing in California? I have a meeting to attend," her brunette said.

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