Chapter Three, Love

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"What?" I asked Ashley.
"I like you, I know I shouldn't," Ashley said, his eyes were welling up with tears.
"I like you too," I caressed his cheek.
"But we can't be together," Ashley said.
"What if we.. Keep it a secret?" I mumbled.
"If we're a secret, that's okay.." Ashley said.
"A secret.." I looked at Ashley and then slowly moved closer to him. I heard a knock at the door, I whispered I wouldn't be long.
I answered the door, it was Andy.
I brought him inside.
"Why's Mr. Purdy here?" Andy asked.
Ashley and I looked at each other then looked back at Andy.
"I see, congratulations," Andy said smiling.
"I.." I said and looked down.
"Thank you Andy," Ashley smiled.
I was frozen, I just stood there. I was getting dizzy, I quickly sat on the couch, Ashley put his hand on my forehead.
"Your burning up," Ashley said, "does she normally get sick?"
"No, not normally," Andy said.
"I stopped taking my meds," I said quietly.
"Why did you stop taking your meds?" Andy said hugging me tight, I pulled away and went to the bathroom, the guys followed, I started throwing up into the sink, I felt awful. I wanted to die, about an hour of on and off throwing up I felt so much better. Andy had to run off to his girlfriend.
"So, on Sunday I'd like you to meet my friends," Ashley smiled.
"Sure, I'd love too, as long as I'm feeling okay," I said quietly.
My phone started ringing, it was Seth, I answered.
"Hey, what's up drummer boy," I said weakly into the phone.
"Hey, band practice is tomorrow," Seth said, "You sound weak, have you been taking your meds?"
"No, I got sick of taking my meds, I have to go Seth," I said hanging up the phone.
"Who's Seth?" Ashley asked.
"The drummer in my band," I smiled.
"Oh, cool,"
"I have band practice tomorrow," I said quietly.
"Only if your well enough," Ashley said.
"I'd still do it anyway, I can't say no to band practice," I grabbed Ashley's phone and quickly typed my number into it.
I looked up at Ashley after putting his phone on the coffee table.

It was 9:25pm, Wednesday.
Ashley and I have been talking.. I mean texting a lot, expect in classes, I would look up at him, Andy and I would sit together and I would mostly focus on doing my learning. Today I was wearing a black skirt, with black tights and my vans, my shirt was black flannel, I sat with Ashley at lunch.
"You look beautiful, Liah," he smiled.
A boy with black hair and a lip piercing walked in.
"Liah," he came and stood in front of me.
"A-Alex.." I said.
"Are you teachers pet now or something?" Alex said
"What do you want from Liah?" Ashley asked.
"I want her," Alex said.
I sighed, "Go away Alex, I don't trust you, I told you I never wanted to see you again."
"I swear I've changed Liah, take me back," Alex said.
"Never, go away," I said bringing my knees to my chest.
"You need to leave," Ashley said to Alex.
"Whatever, not without her," Alex said.
"Your never getting me," I said lifting my head up, I was crying, "Why can't leave me alone?"
"You know why," Alex said.
"Because you were my first love? Big deal, you broke my heart, I'm done with you," I said.
"Fine," Alex left.
"Who was he?" Ashley hugged me.
"The only guy other than you that I've trusted," I said with a sigh.
"I see, so he broke your heart?" Ashley caressed my face.
"Pretty much, I haven't been with anyone for 2 years," I looked down.
"I'm sorry, I swear I'll never hurt you," Ashley softly kissed me.
I kissed him back and then pulled away, I whispered, "Not on school grounds."

Love Me Just Like I Love You (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now