Chapter Fifteen, Overcoming Fears

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I woke up in the backseat of Jake's car.
I sighed, I fell asleep.
"Hey sleeping beauty," Ashley said.
"Nngh, where am I?" I felt soft hands tug at me, I looked behind me, it was Juliet.
"Gorgeous," I hugged her tight and she hugged me back.
"Not as gorgeous as you," Juliet smiled.
"Your both gorgeous, now stop," Jake laughed.
I yawned, readjusting my shirt, realizing I was wearing Ashley's shirt.
"Like it?" Ashley laughed picking me up out of the car.
I groaned, "where am I?"
Ashley put his hands on my stomach, I pulled away.
"Sorry, I'm just glad your here," Ashley pulled me against him.
"Its okay," I smiled and readjusted the shirt I was wearing.
"The horror park," Jinxx said, "that's where we are."
I shivered and clutched onto Ashley's shirt.
"I'm sorry Liah, it was my idea, we want you to over come your fear," Cc said rubbing my back, I turned around and looked into Cc's eyes, I had tears rolling down my face, "no one wants you to be scared anymore."
"Cc's right, we can't have you scared darling," Sammi hugged me.
"Okay.. I guess I can try.." I mumbled and hugged her back.
"I'm here, so whenever you need me just tell me," Ashley kissed my cheek.
"I'll always need you," I wrapped my arms around Ashley's neck, "My lovely sunshine, my one, my only," I was in love, I was really in love.
"And your the moon to my world, you saved my life Liah," Ashley kissed me.
"Aren't they just the cutest?" Cc fangirled, making me pull away and laugh.
"But so are you and Jake," I smiled.
"Thank you, Princess," Cc hugged me, scooping me out of Ashley's arms, Cc spun me around, I sqeauled, happily.
"Listen Bubba, I'm scared of heights, let me down," I warned softly.
"Why are you?" Cc asked.
"It's stupid," I sighed.
"Tell us and I'll put you back on the ground," Cc said.
"Other way around, you'll understand.." I said quietly, Cc put me down, "Okay, when I was little I fell off a bridge.. I was 11.. But when I was 7 I climbed over a fire and nearly fell in.." I trailed off.
"Okay.." Cc said, confused.
"I'm not done, when I fell off the bridge.. I was pushed off, by a bully.." I said I quietly.
"Oh god, babygirl," I felt Ashley's arms wrap around me, I looked at Cc and softly fell backwards into Ashley letting him take my weight. Cc had concern in his eyes, I reached out to caress Cc's cheek, "Don't worry, she tripped and fell, she over the edge.."
"Oh god.." Jinxx said.
"I don't know what happened, but now you can understand why I'm not good with heights," I sighed heavily.
"Liah," Cc sighed, "I'm so sorry."
"It doesn't matter," I sighed too, "Let's get this over with."

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