12| christmas

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12| christmas

I walk downstairs and everyone is already sitting at the table. I find a seat and sit down. I am sitting beside Kiera. The food smells so good. Everyone is making small talk while my mom brings over all of the food and puts it on the table.

I put tons of food on my plate. Yes, I eat a lot. My mom calls me a pig. My mom has made turkey, cheesy potatoes (my favourite), corn, and chicken wings.

Once dinner is finished, we have dessert.

"You didn't" I say with disbelief as my Aunt Audrey brings over a tray of her cherry cheesecake. My mouth waters just looking at it. "Cherry cheesecake is my favourite!" I scream.

"I know it is, that's why I made it!"

Aunt Audrey cuts me a very big piece, because she knows I'll eat it. I basically stuff myself full, and when I'm finished, I feel like I'm going to explode.

"Are you full yet, Allie?" My mom laughs.

"Yes. Very. Thank you everyone for the lovely meal."

I hear another chorus of 'thank you's and 'you're welcome's around the table.

"So, shall we start opening presents, kids?" My mom asks.

"Yes!" all of the kids scream.


We have finished opening our gifts, and all of the kids are in bed. It took tons of persuading, but the thing that got them the most was "If you don't go to bed now, Santa won't come tonight!" and they went to bed immediately.

The rest of us (all of the adults plus Maddy, Kiera, Mya, and I) are watching Miracle On 34th Street.

I suddenly hear my phone buzz and I look, and see that it's Shawn. I get up from the couch, and start walking towards my room, so I can take the call.

"Allie, where are you going?" My dad asks.

"Um, Shawn is calling. I will be right back out."

"Okay, that's fine, just come back."

"I will."

I walk into my room as I click the green 'talk' button on my phone. I put it up to my ear and say "Hey babe, what's up?"

"I just wanted to hear your voice"

"Oh. Well you heard it." I giggle. "It's almost 11" I sigh.

"So what's up?" he asks.

"I was watching a movie with my family, and as much as I would love to talk right now, I told them I would only be a minute."I say sadly.

"That's okay, baby. Goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Goodnight, Mendes. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas." he says, and hangs up. I walk back over and we watch the rest of the movie.


"Santa came!" I hear a voice scream. Someone is shaking my shoulder. "Allie, wake up! Santa came!"

"Hmm" I mumble as I slowly open my eyes.

I see Lily standing beside my bed. "Allie come on!"

"Okay" I mumble.

We walk over to the living room, where I see all of the presents out in front of the fireplace, and all of the kids are sitting and waiting. The parents must still be sleeping.

"Mommy said that we can open our presents once you come out, Allie!" Aidan says.

"Okay go ahead!"

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