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The streets of Toronto were cold. A thick blanket of snow covered almost everything as the season of Winter approached. Engulfed in it was a white Audi R8 whose shining exterior camouflaged with the fresh snowfall. Across from it, a silver Infiniti g37 sedan approached barely making it's way through the ice that was still forming. Then out stepped a man around  6".

Upon seeing him one of the first things you would notice was his growing beard. It wasn't  long but rather thick and defining. A contrast to his smooth caramel skin tone. He wore all black, from his jumper to his jeans to his signature Timbaland boots. Over this he wore a Canada Goose jacket, known for their ability to keep one warm in the harshest of Canadian weathers.

He walked round to the passenger side, opening the door for a young lady whom was slightly shorter in height. On her head she wore a grey fur hat that matched her fur coat of the same colour. Her thigh high leather boots left imprints in the snow as she walked towards the entrance of a beautiful mansion, the view of the sunset was seen peeking above the roof casting a coral glow over them. Smiling, he grabbed her hand, entwining his fingers with hers and placed a kiss on her right cheek. Opening the door they strode in hand in hand. The sound of her heels resonating on the marble floors, his heavy footsteps echoing against the high ceilings of the spacious house. Hands covered by black gloves she made sure to showcase the large diamond that lay on her ring finger. One could mistake it for a engagement or even a wedding ring but the relationship between these two people was far from a simple as it seemed...

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