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Tuesday. Dan loved Tuesdays. Not just for the sake of loving a day the week, but more or less loving the idea of only having 2 classes and a free afternoon. That free afternoon is mostly spent at Blank Street, a record store with a cute black haired cashier.

Some may see Dan's weekly plans as obsessive and creepy, but he seems to think that habit is completely normal. Who is he kidding, he spends most of his time in the store hiding behind racks of CDs admiring the worker behind the register hoping he doesn't get caught. The punk rocker doesn't seem to notice anyway. He's always reading a book or a magazine or something.

Dan's leg was bouncing in antisapation as he waited for his professor to end his lecture. When the lecture was over Dan rushed out the door and began his short walk to the record store. He popped in his headphones and turned on the new Muse album that he has failed to listen to. As he got closer to the store he began to realize that maybe, just maybe he had a problem. Muse was his favorite band and he can't help it. They have taken over his life. Music has taken over his life. He just shook off that thought and kept walking.

The store was always playing good music, so Dan wasn't surprised when an old Fall Out Boy song was playing as he walked in. As usual, Phil was sitting behind the register too engrossed an AP magazine but was startled when Dan burst through the door and ran to the wall of vinyls.

He was on a mission, no time to dillydally. Even though the record store isn't very popular Dan still felt the need to rush over and see if they had what he was looking for. Sure enough as he scanned the back wall of vinyls his eyes landed on a specific matte black cover. He almost screeched like the little fanboy he is but held it in and settled for a small happy dance instead. He grabbed the Muse vinyl and held it in his hands for a second and watched the cover change color through the plastic wrapping. He was absolutely mesmerized.

The walk to the register was slow and agonizing, stopping every few feet to do a fringe check and make sure he looked okay. He wasn't good with speaking, or public interaction in general. He let out a meek 'excuse me' waiting for the guy to ring him up. The dude sat up grabbed the vinyl record and looked at it for a second.

"Nice taste" he said. Dan just damn near lost his cool. Pssh what cool. Dan just gave him his money, barely let out a 'you too', grabbed the record and ran out.

Why is he like this! He makes everything awkward and uncomfortable. The irony of a theatre major awkward and shy. It riddles everyone around him. But there's no doubt that he shines on stage. Just off stage is what really needs to be worked on. His "people skills" are "rusty".

Dan was now onto his second stop of the day, the old coffee shop down the street. He goes there and gets lunch whenever he has time. It is always warm in there and smells like the best cup of coffee. The strong coffee smell hits him like a ton of bricks every time he walks in.

"Hey loser! What's with the face?" Dan didn't even realize he had a look on his face until Pj said something.

"Shut up!" Dan shouted back to his close friend and went to go take a seat.

"I'll take my lunch break in a few and then you can tell me what happened." Pj disappeared into the back. Pj is a close friend of Dan's. They've known each other for as long as they can remember. Always have been close friends and always will be. Dan took out his phone and opened his Tumblr app to kill time. It wasn't long before Pj sat down on the other side of the booth. 

"So what did this mysterious punk brute do this time that has you swooning?" Pj leaned on his elbows holding his chin with his hands. Dan only talked about Phil to Pj, and sometimes Pj's boyfriend Chris. Dan locked his phone and began to ramble on about how awkward it was and how he manages to just flop when talking to people. Especially people that are 6'3" with kick ass tattoos and absolutely gorgeous. And how he'll end up alone for all of eternity with nothing but dogs to keep him company.

"Okay, okay you need to slow down. All you need is confidence. Then you'll have all the panties droppin. With those looks and that talent you'll be getting everybody." Pj interrupts the blabbering brunette. Dan blushes and tries to argue against Pj's statement. But before he gets a chance to say anything Pj grabs the record sitting on the table and gives Dan a disapproving look.

"Daniel. Stop spending money on things you already have! How many of these conversations do we need to have." Dan recounts the many times that they've had this  conversation. He can't help it, he just loves music.

"But this one is a special edition!"

"No buts!"

"Sorry." Dan looked down at his hands and realized that maybe he was a tad obsessed and should probably slow down on buying albums. He might need to go to music rehab because that stuff is damn addicting.

"Hey I know what it's like to be obsessed with something too." The curly haired boy says trying to console Dan.

"More like someone." Dan says under his breath.

"What was that?" Pj asks skeptically.

"Oh come on we all know about your creepy obsession. Chris really isn't all that and a bag of crisps." Dan dodges Pj's fist from hitting his arm.

"You take that back! You're just jealous of our wonderful relationship." Pj sits back down and crosses his arms as if to pout.

In a way Dan is jealous. Besides acting and music he really doesn't love anything else. Maybe it's because he too shy to find someone or maybe his passion turns people away. He wants to find someone that understand his passions and won't turn him away for it. He's a helpless romantic with old school ideas of love. He just hopes he can find someone who matches the same ideas.

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