Quiz Thingie

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This is a quiz for you Watty pad family, and whoever else is reading this. The way it works is I leave some questions and you have to leave your answers in the comments, and I'll tell you the result. Also this is a homestuck quiz and I'm finding out which troll you are so yea have fun! :33

Question 1: What do you like to do in your past time?
a.) Swim
b.) Think about fashion
c.) Ride horses
d.) Think about law
e.) Roleplay and ship
f.) Go on your phone/computer/electric device
G.) Vent to your friends about your problems
H.) Prank people
I.) Be crazy with your friends then chill
J: Whatever your friends want to do
K.) Sleep
L.) None of the above

Question 2: Are you and extrovert, introvert, or in between?

Question 3: Out of these weapons, which do you prefer?
A.) Chainsaw
B.) Physic abilities
C.) Dice (when thrown they explode)
D.) Bow and arrow/your fists
E.) Cat claws
F.) Clubs
G.) A lance
H.) Sicklekind (has a small handle with medium sized curved blade)
I.) Dragon cane (is a walking cane that doubles as a sword)
J.) Batons, maces, and multi tailed whips
K.) Rifle / Wizard wand
L.) None of the above

Question 4: Please rate each of these on a scale of one to ten how much you like these listed things
My little pony
Warrior cats
Law and justice

And last but not least, Question 5: Write a brief summary of your personality
Saber4524 Xx-SnowyFox-xX WalrusLili warriors010 xX-ShadowDancer-Xx LizzieLou102

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