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Peace was a word that I longed for. It was within my grasp but I always ended up loosing it. It was never easy for me to keep it in the first place.
A year, I stand in this wonderful serene. Everywhere I looked, no drop of blood was found.
"Miss president" someone called out. I was not the president of a country. I was the voice of all students in this school. Its a boarding school though I still had a family to return. I gave a smile like I was the most innocent person in the world.
The person whom called me was my secretary. He must has something urgent to tell me. He was panting after running towards me.
His hair was disheveled. His reading glasses were not aligned and its lenses were misty.
"What is wrong, Richard?" I asked after letting him gather himself. He stood straight and looked sharp at me. He pulled out his black notebook. It was his things to do list. He pulled out an envelop that was inserted between those pages.
"Its an letter from the Benedict University"
I received and didn't waste time to open it.
"What do they want?" I scanned through the paragraph.
Benedict University was prestigious and well-known. All high rank politician had gone into their training. I dreamed to enter as well but my chances were not that great.

Good day,

We, Benedict University' committee, would like to inform of one of your students in St. John Parish School had cause another fight with our students. We conducted investigation regarding the matter. It turned out that this student was Mr. PAUL LAVINE DON MARCUS.
We wished for your school to handle the matters regarding Mr. Marcus.
I hoped for your good news

Ivan David Loughberg
Head Principal

For the last three months, Mr. Paul had caused mishaps outside school grounds. He was in his third warning last time but because the Principal was his grandfather, he wasn't expel as expected. He was suspended for three months.
Paul was well known to be genius before. But all of a sudden, he changed. He sought for fights outside school. When he did come to school, I often found him alone under the legend tree in the campus. The teacher didn't bother to chase him back to classroom. They did say that he made a bet to his grandfather that if he passed the last exams he should not be bother. He did pass. More than, I could imagine. He aced it. I couldn't do it despite studying like crazy.

I kept staring at the letter. I didn't get it to why the letter address to me. It should be address to his grandfather.
"I think I should let the principal know about this" I said and went to the administration building.

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