The Chosen: 2

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Well it isn't much, but here it is. Chapter 2. Don't forget to vote, comment, and enjoy :) Thanks!

Dedicated to TrilliumAngel for making the amazing banner on the side. Thanks :)


                  “Can you believe it,” Wendy fussed. She was complaining – again – about how insensitive and negligent Edward was being. Edward was, well a barbarian to say the least. Whenever I saw him, he always had a different girl hanging by his arms, sometimes even two, making out (which would be an understatement), barely ever coming out for air, was smoking weed or drinking, none of which were the worst. I never understood why Wendy was so hooked on, what was it about Edward that appealed to her? Edward had shaggy blonde hair with golden eyes, he was attractive, I’ll give him that. But he had nothing else that would make any girl swoon. Wendy continued, “Because I certainly cannot. The audacity of that one, who does he think he is?” She said huffing.

                 “Not to be cruel, Wendy,” I said. “But don’t you think this is what you should expect from a creature like Edward?”

                  “What do you mean by creature,” Wendy asked, totally oblivious to the fact that just a minute ago, she was complaining about him.

                 I gave her a look, “What do you think I mean by creature, Wendy? Hanging out with him is doing you no good. I think you’ve become stupid due to it.” Wendy made a face and threw her plush pillow at me – yeah, like that would do any harm. “Wendy, I’m sorry but I just hate seeing you hurt. You deserve so much better then Edward, believe me.”

                 “You wouldn’t understand,” Wendy could be so stubborn. “You’re not in love.”

                 I couldn’t help but laugh. I wasn’t trying to be rude – honestly – but something about the way she said it made me smile. Not only was Wendy stubborn, but she was naïve as well. “And I suppose you are.”

                 Wendy held her head high and puffed her chest out, “I am and as my friend you should be there for me when I need you.”

                 I stood up, hugging her. “I am there for you, Wendy. But as your friend, I also have to warn you about the guy you’re supposedly falling in love with. I’m just worried is all.” I looked at her, hazel eyes teary, long chestnut hair disheveled and in her face. Moving her hair out of her eyes I asked, “I mean, wouldn’t you do the same if the roles were reversed?”

                 Wendy sighed, “Yes, I would. And I guess I can’t blame you for disliking him.” I didn’t just dislike him, no, I hated him. With a passion. A burning, fiery passion at that. Scum like him didn’t deserve to be with a girl like Wendy. He was probably out partying, doing who knows what, while Wendy was here having her heart broken – for the hundredth time. “But I’m going to make you love him, I swear.”

                 My eyes went wide just at the mere idea. “Not to be rude, Wendy, but I don’t think I will ever like him, let alone love him the way you want me to.” Just when Wendy was about to say something, her phone rang. “It’s Edward,” She shrieked. “He’s probably calling to apologize.” I rolled my eyes; she was never going to get it, was she? “Hey baby,” I internally groaned. “No it’s fine baby, aw, I love you too.” I could no longer take this, so I signaled to Wendy that I was heading out. She just nodded, too absorbed in the conversation.

              Making my way to my truck with my keys in hand, I spot someone walking alongside the sidewalk. Making nothing of it, I turn back to my car when I realize who it was – Jean Vogel. Call it luck, faith or coincidence, he was there and now could be my chance to finally ask him again about how he knew that one detail about my mother’s death. And sure, it may have been a small detail, but I couldn’t help but wonder. Whether it was that he overheard us talking about it – he did live only ten feet away and not to mention the walls where quite thin – or if someone may have told him, I needed to now. Without thinking I screamed “Hey.” He didn’t turn around and just kept on walking – more like gliding, really. “Jean,” I called out. It was foreign saying his name out load for the first time, knowing I wasn’t talking about a piece of clothing. He stopped in his tracks and slowly, very slowly, and turned around to face me. I forced a smile, “Do you need a ride?” My heart picked up a bit realizing that if he said yes to my offer, it would just be me and him in the car.

              Jean raised an eyebrow, smirked a little, and asked, “And if I do?”

              “Well that’s kind of the reason I was asking,” I said a bit irritated.

              Jean started walking towards me; he crossed the lawn and was now standing in front of me. His blue eyes bore into my green ones. “I don’t think you really want me to get into that car with you. Especially all alone,” His smirk was starting to get on my nerves, “Without a reason that is.”

               “Well after I so rudely intruded into your home, I feel the need to apologize for my actions and to offer a ride.” I quickly made up. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that there was a reason behind my offer.

              Jean took a step closer to me – and he was already so close – and I took a step back, hitting the car. Talk about déjà vu. “Ever heard of an apology cake? I do love cake.” 

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