chapter 2: intro

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After the accident everything has been a little down hill but Sam, Sarah and Lucy have been helping John and I so much. After having to fight to become my brothers guardian I finally got accepted because I was considered an adult and I work.

My parents left everything they own to me in their will, including their house, and 4 months of mortgage already payed. I'm glad for that because a house is what I needed to win my brothers custody, since he is not even 15 yet I had to do whatever was best and keep him close to the only family his got left, Me.

Sarah, Lucy and Sam are more like a big family nowadays, they come by the house everyday and even stay once in a while. Today we are all just having fun playing different games like basketball, volleyball, tag, and some self-defence. Sarah came up with the idea to make a two person group to play each game. I got stuck with Sam, not that I'm complaining but in my mind I've always seen him in a different way.

"This was a great decision huh?" Sarah said as she gave me a look that clearly said tell him. She knows that ever since I met Sam I had feelings for him, and I still do but I don't know if he feels something for me too.

"sure Sarah" I said giving her a smirk and shake my head, i was not going to tell him, its just not my thing, i have always believed the guy has to be the first one to make the first move.

"So you are my partner?"

I turn around and just saw him right there in front of me, i can never get over those brown eyes, and dont even mention his smile, i can literally melt just looking at it.

"Yes, i guess we are" i said trying not to show all those emotions.

Sam and I won most of the games but then Sarah wanted to mix things up and put the team that won fight against each other in a game of self defence.

"I am not going to hit Emma"
he said

I know he would never hit me, but it really helps when you actually need to use it someday.

"You dont have to hit her" Lucy said

I threw in a punch and i missed, and fell on him. I landed on his chest but he did not seemed like he was hurt, but i got worried.
"Are you ok?" I said helped him up.

"Yes I'm fine, i just didn't want you to get hurt."

As i helped him up he held me in his arms, we were really close each other that i thought he was going to kiss me. Everything inside me felt so many butterflies, no one has ever said anything so sweet to me like that before.

Then suddenly i remember we are right in front of everyone.

"Oh my gosh! Are you ok?" Lucy said

"We are fine" i said

"I think Emma can defend herself she just needs some more practice so she doesn't fall on anyone else but me" he said .

Authors note:
It was a little hard trying to fix up and change this sence from how i had it before. I hope you guys like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2016 ⏰

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