The Soaring Book

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Nearly ten years had passed after the Dursley's had received Harry, ever so meanly greeting him.

The sun rose brightly, peeking through Hermione's blinds. She squints her eyes open, her brown eyes scanning the room. She had books neatly placed into bookshelves, arranged close to her bed, and one placed in front of her. Her comforter was a bright lilac color, along with a desk chair and curtains. She had a board hanged up on her bedroom wall, holding several photos. She had a few paintings next to the board; her own creations of flowers and trees. Hermione appreciated nature, how its beauty entwined with everything else, and how animals had their freedoms in life. The way birds soared through the glimmering night sky, or the way cats walk ever so carefully; taking in everything they see. She was annoyed with people deciding it was fine to abuse animals. We all have hearts and feel emotion, why make them feel more pain?

Hermione's eyes land on a small, slightly worn out black journal. She gets slowly out of bed and starts looking for her hair brush. She yawns as she walks over to her vanity, staring at her tangled, frizzy hair. She wrinkled her nose, and started to (tried to) tame her hair. After she finished she heaved a loud sigh and got dressed. While flipping through the pages in the worn out black journal, she stopped on page 54, and picked up a blue pen and writes about how she felt about nature and animals, wondering if she could ever have an experience of flying, or creeping through the night like animals. Hermione kept good care of her diary, since her great grandmother had given it to her before she had passed away. She has been writing in it since summer had began, and she mostly wrote about her discoveries in the books she would check out at the local library. She headed down the stairs to the kitchen, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear and trying to fix her puffy bangs.

"Good morning, Hermione," said her mother, her smile beaming at her. Hermione couldn't help but smile.

"Good morning, Mother. You too, Father," she said back, smiling to her father who was picking up a few strips of bacon. He took the strips of bacon and neatly arranged them next to some waffles and sliced strawberries. An identical plate with a bit more eggs was placed right next to Hermione's, and her Mother picked it up from the counter and headed to their wooden kitchen table. Hermione grabbed her plate and sat across from her Mother, her Father right behind her. They started to eat breakfast, Hermione gulping down her food quickly. With a few eggs still in her mouth, she grabbed her plate and dropped it in the sink, served herself orange juice and chugged it. She headed up the stairs, her parents looking at her, confused on what her plan was.

Hermione grabbed four books, each about how airplanes could fly and how they are made, and Hermione absorbed all the knowledge in them in less than two days. She headed down, panting slightly. She stands next to her Father and places her hand on the table, slightly out of breath.

"Can we head to the Library, please?, " Hermione pleaded, wanting to return the books and get new ones. Not about education, but about far away lands and castles; a place she could easily escape to. Her Father swallowed down the last bit of bacon he had on his plate and turned to Hermione.

"Which one?," he asked.

"The one next to the Zoo. Please?"

"Hermione, that Zoo is about 40 minutes away," said her mother. "Are you sure you want to go to that one?" Hermione nodded her head, her Father pulling out his car keys and heading out the door. Hermione followed, her pace moving faster.

They unbuckle their seatbelts and start to head out. Hermione looks both ways before crossing, and as she looks to her left she sees a boy with messy, black hair and clothes to big to fit on his skinny body. Hermione Granger has never seen a boy like this, with his glasses taped up on the center and a lightning bolt scar on his forehead. A rather big sized family followed the boy towards the entrance of the Zoo. Hermione shook her head, ripping her eyes off the unusual boy and crossed the street with her Father. They enter into the library, Hermione sliding the books through the return slot next to the checkout desk. Hermione immediately rushes to the Fantasy/Action section, and starts to run her finger against the spine of each book. Books from fairies to trolls, mermaids to dragons, mythical creatures and magic, she enjoyed them all. She stopped once she reached to a section about wizards. She scanned, and saw this book fly out of the shelf. Hermione jumped, picking up the book. She opened up the pages, and noticed it wasn't a book, it was a journal. There were images draw, and the images moved. Hermione gasped, and ran over to her Father to immediately show her finding.

"Look, Father, look!," she exclaimed, not being able to hold her excitement. She flipped through the pages, pointing to each and every moving picture draw inside of people wearing cloaks, fighting dragons, and brewing weird colored liquids in cauldrons. Her Father's eyebrows furrowed, confused at what Hermione was trying to show him.

"Don-Don't you see the pictures?," Hermione asked, starting go furroe her brow like her Father. Why can't he see them?

"Hermione, I can't-," Her father was cut off with a loud boom that happened right behind Hermione. She jumped, dropping the unusual book. She turns around and picks up the one on the floor. Two more book fall out the shelf. Shocked, Hermione runs up picks up those two. 5 more fall. Hermione stared at the books, then it came to her mind; don't pick up the books. She placed the three books on the floor, and the eight books immediately go up neatly in their position they were organized. Hermione sighed, and at that moment she noticed a flash of light on each of the books. On the spine, strange words popped up, such as "Hogwarts, a History", "Quidditch", and " Herbology ", with more weird sounding names. Hermione walked up to "Hogwarts, a History", and decided to proceed to check out. She hands it to the rather old looking librarian whose name was Mrs.Spelicent, looking at Hermione as if she did something wrong. Hermione still flashed a bright smile with her slightly crooked teeth. Hermione hands her the book, waiting for the librarian to scan the book and hand it back to Hermione.

"Why, Hermione, out of all the books, you want to check a book about toilets?" Mrs.Spelicent smirks, holding back a snort.

" Wha-What do you mean? That books is definitely not about.....toilets," Hermione baffled by what Mrs.Spelicent had just said. Her? Check out a book about toilets? Mrs Spelicent raised an eyebrow at Hermione, but scanned her book and handed it back to her. Hermione felt the people in the line staring at her, blushing and embarrassed that Mrs Spelicent said the word "toilet" as an insult to Hermione. Hermione sat down at a table, opening the book. Her worries and embarrassment seemed to have drained out of Hermione. Her eyes open wide, fascinated by the details and strange words used. Words like "Muggles" and things such as "Apparate" really confused Hermione, but Hermione kept on reading. She felt someone sit next to her, and looked up from her book. The girl was a bit taller than Hermione, short dark brown hair to her shoulders, wavy and frizzy. She was holding "Quidditch Through the Ages," her finger holding a page. The girl looked up to Hermione and smiled, her almost black eyes meeting Hermione's. She looked down to Hermione's book, and nodded slightly. She looked around, then leaned in close to Hermione's ear.

"Do you like the book?," She asked, still looking around to see if any people are listening.

"Yes, its really strange and unusual," Hermione responded. "My name is Hermione. Hermione Granger." The girl smiled again.

"Isabel. Isabel Flores. And, how were you able to get that book? Only wizards and witches are able to."

"What do you mean? The book just-"
"Soared out of the shelf? Yes, yes yes that's what happens to wizards and witches." Isabel looked down to her book, confused about what Hermione had just said. She gasped, and quickly turned back to Hermione.

"You are muggle born, aren't you?," she asked.

"See, that's the part where I'm confused. What's a...a...muggle?"

"A muggle is a person who is not capable of doing or performing magic. Such as that book," Isabel pointed to "Hogwarts, a History", "Is a school for wizards and witches." Hermione looked down at the book, shocked. She then gasped, and looked up to Isabel, grinning slightly.

"So I'm a....a.."
"Yes. You are a witch."

Isabel stood up and grabbed her book, pushing in the chair.

"Oh and by the way, if you ever need me, I'm a 2nd year Gryffindor." See you at Hogwarts. " Isabel smiled and walked out the doors, turning around and waving goodbye. Hermione could not believe it; her, a witch. All she's ever been dreaming of, a magical world to escape to, had started now.

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