Chapter 14. Bloody Tari

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                                                                                              I am from my own earth, 

                                                                                    lavender, silver, and emerald.

                                                                        I'm from my ocean's shade of blues

                                                                         (freezing; only a burden to endure)

Tari was shivering from the cold as she walked across the parking lot. She quickly noticed that it was deserted, no one was around. It was almost eerie, for it was beginning to darken; the warm light from the safe part of the day was long gone. Wearing a long white dress embellished with silky scarlet linings sat gracefully across her breasts as she walked and practiced every line in her head. 

She wasn't nervous though because it was just a speech and she was used to making them. She just told herself that she won't mess up if she memorized everything. Will Coltwell was going to introduce her in an art gallery and he liked her and he promised that he would help her as much as possible. She had so much to thank him for.

Walking through the night, she bit against the gut feeling that something was wrong, but pushed it away and continued down the dark alley. Rain started pouring down on her, ruining her dress, and her one hour long spent on makeup. She ran to a small bus stop that had a roof over a metal bench as fast as her stilettos could take her and huddled in the corner. 

The rain gave the pavements a shimmer, like shiny black water and she could see the reflection in them of her hair matted all over her face, a dress that was now a pathetic see-through fabric, and a very rosy, and very noticeable bra.

The wind rustled the leaves on the trees that lined along the driveway and her breath hitched when she saw a dark silhouette approach to where she was standing. But as it got closer, it was gone, just as fast as it appeared and three very tall men walked up to her. They did not walk normally either. 

One of the men drank the last bit of beer of his beer bottle in a huge swig and hurled it at the ground, sending chunks of glass scattering everywhere. It took a while for them to notice her standing there on the sidewalk and the man in the middle, who she assumed is the leader, smiled a mischievous grin. Wrong in his eyes. 

A moment later, her head was smashed against the metal bench and she fell into darkness.

She woke up to a throbbing pain in her head and all over her body. She was laying on some dry dirt and rocks, which was extremely uncomfortable. Above her were steel walls that extended on either side for many feet up. She started to sit up, but the sharp pain shooting through her head made it unbearable that her body slumped back to the ground and she closed her eyes tightly, waiting for the pain to pass.

She opened her eyes and turned her head. Sitting there, with the same evil grin on his face, was that man. She jumped up and scooted herself away from him until she hit the wall behind her and tried to ignore the extreme pounding pain in her head. He came over and grabbed her by the hair and slammed her head against the wall. Not hard enough to make her pass out, but enough to make her wish she had. She has never been in so much pain before.

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