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Michael's POV

The boys, Arden, and I all carried our bags as we stepped inside the hotel. Dave was inside waiting for us. We hadn't seen him in forever so we all greeted him with hugs before he handed us our room keys, "I know you guys will want to go out and explore tonight but don't stay out too late, ok?"

"We have a little one, Dave! She keeps us in check," I chuckled and he did as well before bidding us goodbye as we made our way to the elevators.

"Do you guys even want to go out tonight?" Luke asked.

I looked at the time; 10 pm.

I shook my head, "Not really. I think we should just go out tomorrow night and then maybe Sunday during the day."

The boys agreed and when the elevator stopped on our floor, we all shuffled out. We each had separate hotel rooms but after putting our stuff away, we all met up in Calum's room to just hang out.

Ash picked a random movie out and we all kind of just spread out on the bed and the floor. We didn't get to watch very much of the movie though because we all fell asleep.


"Just double checking.... We are all wearing black and red right?" Cal asks us.

"Yeah," Luke confirms before we all go off to our separate rooms.

We decided we would try to match somewhat to the award show. (A/N Sorry I said it was the festival last chapter. Whoops.)

Arden and I went to our room and I went into the bathroom to throw on a black Motley Crue shirt, jeans, and my boots. I then went out and set aside my red leather jacket for when we leave. I then helped Arden change into her red tulle skirt and black sweater.

We had left her hair braided last night so it would be wavy today. She slipped on a red hairbow to match her skirt and then I had her put on her black converse.

"Adorable!" I say, stepping back to admire her.

She blushes a little before thanking me, "Let's go see if the boys are ready."

I take her hand after grabbing my jacket and phone and lead her across the hall to where Calum was staying and I knocked on the door. I heard some rustling behind the door before it opened to reveal Cal all dressed up, "Hey! Come on in, I just have to fix my hair still."

Arden and I walked in behind him and sat on his bed while he did his hair in front of the mirror. He finished just as we heard a knock on the door. Calum opened it to find Luke and Ash there, "Ready? We don't want to be late."

Calum and I agreed and the 5 of us made our way down the lobby where we were then led back through the back door to our van. I held Arden's hand until we got to the car and I helped her to get in before sliding in next to her. After strapping in, she leaned into my side and I wrapped my arm around her, gently rubbing my hand up and down her arm in a soothing matter.

She had a rough night due to the usual nightmares and I felt bad having to drag her to all the mini interviews we would have to do and to the awards show that would be extremely boring for her to sit through, but all I could do was comfort her as much as I could.

"We're nominated for 'Best Fan Army,' right?" Ashton asks.

"Yeah... I hope our fans win. They have been voting like crazy and they totally deserve it," Luke states and we all couldn't agree more.

Our hotel was close to where the awards show was being held so it didn't take us long to get there. When we did, we got out of the car to be immediately met by flashes. I quickly picked Arden up and placed her on my hip so that I wouldn't lose sight of her.

PTSD | Sequel to Little CliffordTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon