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Michael's POV

"Arden, I bought you the sequel to 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' yesterday after my job interview," Grace says, walking out of our room and into the living room where Arden and I were.

"Really?" Arden asks excitedly as Grace hands it to her, "Thank you so so much!"

Arden gives Grace a hug which puts a smile on her face as well as mine. Arden had read the first Alice in Wonderland really fast and was all excited when she heard about 'Through the Looking Glass.'

Grace had had a job interview yesterday for a social worker position, now that she had her bachelor's, and she had applied for some scholarships at UCLA to get her masters degree. I had faith she would get in, due to her high GPA all throughout high school and her first few years of college.

"You're welcome! And the new movie for it is coming out soon so you should try and read it soon because the books are almost always better than the movies," Grace tells her as she sits down on the couch next to me.

I laughed as I wrapped an arm around her, "Well, I'd have to disagree."

"Well that's because you don't read!" Grace teases.

"This is true," I chuckle.

"So what's the schedule like for this week?" She asked as she scrolled through her twitter and I did the same.

I thought about it for a second, "Uhh... Well the guys are moving one day this week because they finally got the house so I am sure they will need our help, we have to get Arden's schooling setup because the new school year is starting, and... I think that's it?" I say trying to think of anything I might be missing.

"Yeah we have a little break for the band so nothing going on with that for a few weeks," I say more confidently.

Grace nods, "Ok cool. Then after you have your small break, you have two weeks of promo, then you come back and it's your birthday, then Arden's!"

"I'm so lucky you are on top of things beca-"

I was cut off by frantic knocking on the door. I looked at Grace confused before we both stood up to go answer the door.

I opened it to reveal Sandra and Parker. Sandra didn't look good; she wore messy clothes, her hair was messed up, and her eyes were bloodshot. Parker stood beside her with a bag and his eyes wide; he looked terrified.

"I can't do it anymore!" Sandra snaps which makes Grace, Parker, and I flinch.

"Sandra, what's going on?" Grace asks calmly.

I heard footsteps behind me and soon felt Arden's hand grab mine as she hid behind me, "I can't take it anymore Grace! After Jeff di- di- he's gone! I'm not ok! I've been drinking and I can't keep it together anymore!" She sobs.

"Sandra," I say calmly while stepping forward, "We can help you. We ca-"

"No Michael. I'm leaving. I am getting out of this town. I got fired from my job and I just- I can't," She pushed a manila envelope into Grace's hands and gently pushes Parker forward, towards us.

"Sandra! You can not leave Parker like this," Grace says sternly as her eyes fill with tears. We felt helpless. What were we to do?


Parker starts to sob quietly and my heart breaks, "Sandra please. It doesn't have to be this way. This is Parker. Your son."

"IT DOES HAVE TO BE THIS WAY!" She yells again and shakes her head.

PTSD | Sequel to Little CliffordDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora