Childhood Friends (Part II)

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A few days have passed since the whole incident happened, and now I've fully realized my feelings for Chanyeol. I didn't expect my feelings to grow so fast. After that night, I was proud to have Chanyeol around. His dumb face and that stupid brain of his made me laugh. Instead of judging him and thinking he's so weird, like how I would've thought, I started to think that he was cute and funny.

Going over to his house, waiting for him to get ready, and walking to school and back everyday made my heart flutter at every thought. Having his presence around everywhere I went made me feel safe and protected, and my eyes would follow him wherever he went and whatever he did. That's when I realized that I had feelings for Chanyeol. I tried to convince myself that it was because I saw a side of him I've never seen, stable and reliable. But I couldn't lie to myself; I have feelings for Park Dumbyeol.

A week after the incident and realizing my feelings, it was just another Saturday afternoon, but it wasn't like the ones before. It was 4PM, I sat on the couch with my phone in my hands, staring at it. My parents left for work and I was left alone once again. But instead of feeling bored like last week, or the week before, my heart was pounding as I was looking at the black screen on my phone.

I was debating whether or not I should call Chanyeol up to go see the movies, or just walk up to his house and drag him out. Although I had feelings for him, I was scared that once he knows my feelings, he would become distant and avoid me. It was after all a one-sided thing.

If I called him, it would be unusual of me and he would be suspicious. But if I dragged him out, I would be seen as a bitch. I didn't want to intrude and take him by force against his will. It was a hard decision. I pouted at the phone and then dropped my head down. As I was slouching on the couch, still debating on what I should do, my phone rang.

<Yah, what are you doing right now ?>

It was Chanyeol ! And the fact that he's asking me what I'm doing means he's not really doing anything either ! So if anything, I have a chance at getting him to go to the movies with me ! And so I quickly typed my reply.

<Nothing, why ?>

<I'm bored. Let's go watch a movie.>

..... Is this for real .....?

I just sat there, staring at the words on the screen. LET'S. GO. WATCH. A. MOVIE... I guess what everyone says is true. We do think alike. I smiled at the thought of people acknowledging us as a couple. They've been misunderstanding us as a couple since we were young, and I used to think it was disgusting, but now, I can't seem to stop laughing like a fool.

<Okay ! Give me an hour, I'll be out.>

And with that, I ran up the stairs to my room. I was about to close my curtains but looked across my window. There I saw Chanyeol sitting on his bed with his back was towards me. He then got up and walked into his bathroom after tossing his phone on the bed.

His back is handsome too... I blushed.

I then closed the curtains and ran for the bathroom. After I took a shower, I started to pick out clothes without drying my hair. Although I admit that I'm not the most lady-like girl out there, but how is it that I don't have one decent dress or a skirt for a date ? Well, it's not really a date... It's not like we're dating... But still ! The only skirt I owned was my school uniform and the only dress I had was for when I was 7 which I wore about once for the wedding my parents took me to.

I started to dig through my clothes, frustrated at the fact that I didn't have anything to wear. But it's not like I can go out and buy new clothes. I now only had about 15 minutes to do everything. I quickly put on black skinny jeans, white long sleeve, and a baseball jacket. It wasn't date material but it was me.

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