I Don't Care

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"Ya !! Hurry up !!" Jongdae called from outside the door.

Y/N quickly put her shoes on and took a deep breath before she opened the door. Once she stepped outside, she found Jongdae's back turned to her.

"Jongdae-yah ~" she called.

"What took you so lo-" he complained as he turned around but was too shocked to finish his sentence.

He wasn't expecting to see someone he's not familiar with. He just stood there staring at Y/N without saying a word. Too shocked to even tell his brain to function.

"Jongdae ..?" she asked.

It was for sure, her voice. It was her house. It was her shoes and her bag. Her hair is a bit longer but he knew it was her hair style. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Y-Y/N...? What happened to you ...?" he asked.

"What do you mean what happened ? I lost weight," she smiled, spreading her arms to show off that she's succeeded in her diet. "How do I look ?"

"...What ? What did you say ?"

He was still out of it and Y/N just laughed. She was excited to go to school and see the others' reaction to her transformation. She didn't need to hear what he thought, she knew she looked good and so she walked past him and started heading to the bus stop with confidence on her shoulders.

Jongdae followed shortly after and started to shower her with question. So to save all the time asking the questions, she explained to him what happened.

Because she was depressed, she left school for a year and did homeschooling and exercised her brains out to beat her depression. She cut off all contacts with her old friends, except Jongdae, and focused on losing weight. It was hard, but with the right motivation and will power, she reached her goal weight and so have decided to go back to school.

It was the first day of their senior year, and Y/N called Jongdae first to ask him to walk to school together. She wanted him to be the first one to see her transformation. After all, he was the main reason to why she wanted to change in the first place.

Jongdae was popular. He was kind to everyone, good-looking so the girls go crazy, and he was also really friendly so everyone liked him. He was the only one who was nice to Y/N during her first year of high school and that side of him started to grow on her and eventually became something big.

But Jongdae wasn't just nice to Y/N, he stuck by. They were always together. They would sit together, eat together, go home together, hung out outside of school during weekends. But it always bothered Y/N that there were always people watching and pointing fingers. Whispering things like:

"Oh my gawd, do you think they're dating ?"

"I feel sorry for the guy."

"Don't you think he's just using her for something ?"

"Maybe she has a lot of money ? How else would she afford all the food that going straight to her weight ?"

"There's no way they could be dating."

"A really good-looking guy and an ugly fat girl ?"

Y/N tried to ignore all the whispers but couldn't help but open her ears to the them. Jongdae on the other hand, didn't hear anything that was being said around him. So in order for Y/N to feel like she was worthy enough, she decided to lose all her weight. And has succeeded. But still didn't have the courage to tell him she liked him. She was afraid that since Jongdae knew her fat and ugly side from before, she thought he wouldn't want to date her. So she kept her mouth shut.

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