Ch-2. Amara

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Just minor changes! And this is a new chapter, which does not have any connection with the previous chapter.

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To this girl because she was the first person to vote for my story apart from my friends. 

 Ice Twins


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Never in her life did she think that she was capable of smiling, nor appreciating the grey clouds, or the diamonds in the sky that had decided to stay at home tonight

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Never in her life did she think that she was capable of smiling, nor appreciating the grey clouds, or the diamonds in the sky that had decided to stay at home tonight. Her beauty could be compared to the silver disc in the welkin, which blossomed out of its shyness when the sky had finally abandoned its cheerful colours and embraced a delicate shade of black. But unlike its unique face, hers was devoid of any emotion.

Even her eyes were there only for her to see the world. It never betrayed her by showing what she felt. But right now, along with her lips, her eyes smiled. The kind of smile that could make someone's heart warm at the sight of it.

The cool autumn winds were singing a lullaby, making everyone want to climb into the arms of slumber and stay there forever. Chavva had told her that winter wasn't due for another month and a half, yet many animals had retired already; the air and sky announcing the end of fall as if there never was autumn.

She, being a summer creature, would give anything to spend the rest of her messed-up life in Katanagia. However, Fates brought her up here for a reason, and if she had not come here, she would have never met her soul sister, for whom she was waiting.

Now standing on the outskirts of Rixihy, a well-developed town in Acracia, all she wanted was to go home and sleep.

"My mother is going to be fine, right?" The little boy innocently asked, standing before her.

Seeing the soft, orange hair of the boy that reminded her the colour of the sky at dusk, his anxious hazel eyes, and a face that had worry written all over it, she could not help but give him a reassuring smile.

"Your mother is going to be okay, all right? Did you forget that Chavva is the one who is helping your mother? Is she not the best healer?" she asked kindly. She was never the one for kindness - the concealed gentleness in her amazed her.

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