I Wanna Be Yours - Arctic Monkeys

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When both you and your best friend of over ten years are openly gay, people come to their own conclusions. I was sick of having to tell everyone that we weren't dating. Everyone just seemed to assume we were together, and then they gave me those stupid 'knowing' looks. They didn't know anything.


"... And this is Scott, my best friend" I placed a hand on the shoulder of the tall blonde next to me, giving him a quick smile. We were at the house party of a friend of a friend, and there were lots of people we hadn't met before there. We were at our normal station, by the food, close to a wall, chatting to anyone who came our way.

"So you're dating, right?" The girl who I'd been attempting a conversation with said, looking between us.

"No," We said at the same time, in the unimpressed tone we'd developed over the years.

She nodded skeptically, sipping her drink before heading off into the crowd to find someone else to talk to.

Scott offered to go get both of us drinks, heading across the room, leaving me alone for a moment to people watch. I was heading towards tipsy, but I could still observe the new pairings of the evening and take a guess at who would regret their choice in the morning.

Scott returned, a plastic cup in each of his hands. He handed one to me, taking a sip from the other.

The evening continued on in a monotonous series of drinks and attempts at conversing with strangers. I was always glad to have Scott at my side in these situstions.

Eventually we were both just tipsy enough to not care about the other people at the party. I was still super aware of Scott's presence, as I always was, because thats how friends are, right?

A slow song started, and the couples were kissing and dancing close together. Scott, who had been standing in front of me, put his cup on the table and met my eye, with an attempt at a cheeky smile on his face. Despite his slightly drunken state, he seemed nervous.

He walked towards me, and I took a step back to keep a friendly distance between us. Again he stepped forwards, but now my back was against the wall, so I could feel his chest pressed against mine, both of us breathing heavily as the situation dawned on us.

Slowly, carefully, he leaned forwards untill our lips were against each others. He was cautious, so I kissed him back in encouragement.

Although I'd been denying my feelings for him for years, I couldn't deny that kissing him felt like the most perfect thing ever in that moment.

All this time, I'd wanted nothing more than to be his.

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