Soap - Melanie Martinez

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Tears streamed down my cheeks.

Stupid stupid stupid.

The words repeated themselves in my head like a mantra of regret, drowning out any attempts at reason.

Who does that? Who tells their best friend of over ten years that they love them just after proposing to someone else? And even worse, my fiancé heard the confession and broke up with me.

I can't believe what I've done, messing up the two relationships that mattered to me most in one day. Talk about killing two birds with one stone.

Mitch was never going to speak to me again. I'd been wanting to tell Mitch about these feelings for years, but just kept on tip-toeing around it because that felt easier. But in the long term it was a mistake. The heavy words had come spilling out of my mouth, sinking like an anchor.

I love you.

I'm in love with you.

Gosh it was so stupid, stupid, stupid.

If this was a fairytale it would all be so much easier. Everyone would say Mitch and I had been made for each other and we'd never date anyone else and it would all be perfect.

But in reality, the face of my fiancé, or ex-fiancé I suppose, keeps running through my head, and I'm not sure how I feel about it.

Why, why, why?

The searing regret burns my mind, stinging like the stream of fiery tears that never seem to end.

His soft refusal of my feelings rang in my head. The "I'm sorry"s and the "It's not your fault"s. They didn't soften this at all. Nothing could.

Everything is messed up and wrong, it's all my fault, and I don't know how to fix it.

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