A Walk in the Rain

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A Walk in The Rain


Loving someone who doesn't love you back is like standing in the rain...

It feels good, but you know it will make you sick.

I don't care if he loves me or if he doesn't.

I don't care if he's there when I cry or if he's there when I'm down.

I don't care.

But what made me change?!

He told me he loves me. He told me it'll be forever when it isn't.

I waited... but he never came back.

He left me under the rain. Crying.

And now?

I'll never love again.

I'll never feel that way again.

I'll never walk in the rain again.


New story.

Dedicated to Alyanna Louise Villena!

Yiii. Tinapos ko lang yung Cinderella para i-publish ko 'to. :D

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