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"OHHHHH MY GOSH. I'm so excited!" Star exclaimed, twirling around in a circle and watching as her dress flew out in a flower-ish shape. "New teachers, new classes, new students! I can't wait to meet all of them!"
"Okay, calm down, Princess." Marco said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "It's just school. Nothing super exciting."
"Riiiiiight." Star said, winking. "Speaking of totally super exciting, look, there's Jackie!"
As Marco turned to look Star gave him a big push from behind, accidentally knocking him to the ground.
"Ouch." he groaned, looking up at Star.
"Sorry, Marco." she mumbled, offering him a hand as she helped him to his feet.
"OOH! AND THERE'S ALFONZO AND FERGUSON!" Star exclaimed, jumping up and down waving her arms in the air. "GUYS! OVER HEEEEERE!"
Marco pinched the bridge of his nose as he saw a group of freshmen staring at his overly-energetic best friend.
"Star. Calm." he said, and she sighed, blowing her bangs from her face.
"Fiiiine, Mom." Star grumbled. She put her hands on Marco's shoulders. "I don't understand how you're not super excited. We're sophomores, Marco! Grade 10! Double digit grades! Come on, you can't not think that's awesome!"
"I am excited." Marco said, laughing. "Just not as excited as you."
"Don't beat yourself up over it! Nobody's ever as excited as me." Star said, brushing a piece of hair behind her ear. "Marco Marco Marco Marco Marco! I know you said to be calm but I just saw the new Chemistry teacher. Can I pleeeeeeeeeease go hug him?"
"Go for it." Marco sighed, and Star gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before running off towards the teacher. Marco rolled his eyes.
"When did that happen?" he heard and turned around to see Alfonzo and Ferguson staring.
"What do you mean?" Marco asked, wiping Star's gooey lip gloss remnants from his face.
"You and Star. Since when are you a thing?" Ferguson asked, making a kissing gesture. Marco elbowed him in the gut.
"We're not." Marco protested. "She's just being Star. It's nothing."
"Riiiiiiiiight." Ferguson said, exchanging a look with Alfonzo.
"Seriously! I'm going to ask Jackie out this year. I'm already on step ten." Marco said.
"Out of how many steps?" Alfonzo asked, and Marco looked at his feet.
"...23..." he mumbled. "But at least I'm talking to her."
"Okay, fine, we believe you." Ferguson said. "Janna."
"What?" Marco asked, confused. Ferguson pointed not-so-subtly to the girl in the blue jacket moving their way.
"Oh please, not today." Marco groaned, hiding behind Alfonzo and Ferguson as Janna passed by, going over towards Jackie.
"Why are you hiding?" Marco heard, jumping as Star walked over right next to him.
"I...it's nothing." Marco said, and Star grabbed his hand.
"Well, come on then! We've got sophomore classes to get to!" she said enthusiastically as she pulled him away, Ferguson and Alfonzo laughing.
"AWW, we only have two classes together!" Star complained, comparing their schedules. "Now who's going to help me with my homework?"
"You'll be fine. You're smarter than you think." Marco replied, and Star's eyes diverted across the room.
"What's so funny?" Star asked, pointing back to Ferguson and Alfonzo.
Marco shrugged.
"Maybe I should ask them." Star wondered out loud, and Marco shook his head.
"It's probably not even funny." he said, shooting a glare at the pair across the room.
"Marco...? Do you not want me to know?" she asked, and Marco quickly pulled his hand away from hers before people began staring.
"What? No, of...of course...I mean...never mind." he said, not meeting her eyes. "They're just being idiots."
Star rolled her eyes as they heard the bell ring. "Fine. You're lucky that bell saved you, Diaz."
Marco was pulled into a short hug before Star ran off to find her math class, left in the midst of seven hundred confused students to find his History class.

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