Soul Captors: Book One - Dante's Truth - Chapter Five

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Hey Guys, 

I just keep writing and I am really loving this new idea, it is seriously awesome and the plan for it is good. Nothing big is really happening in the next two chapters but they are important and I really love writing chapters that are more true to life, but of course you have some freaking stuff happening, as you always do. 

I really hope that you guys like it. :)

Her breath heavied  as her English teacher walked past the desks. He had given them time to start reading their books and Laura had told Limbo about the way that Mr. Phillips ran his classes, which was fairly simple: Read your books, memorize content and then everything else was just spare time. Laura said that out of all my classes she said photography was probably going to be the hardest, that and Greek, she said that they seem to mark Art-dominanted subjects heavier than knowledge based subjects, but Limbo didn't mind, she knew that her photography skills were good. "Hey" Limbo called to Laura. "Could you be my model sometime?" 

"Yeah. Sure. Why?"

"Good jaw lines and pretty good semetry too." She thought about her words for a second. "Sorry" she apologised. "I do that alot." Laura giggled at her. 

"Yeah sure. And don't worry about it. Actually, your probably about to get a photograph assignment, next period, so be prepared." 

"Thanks. I'm gonna set up my dark room in a few days. My new house is getting set up at the moment." I told her, I could see Mr. Phillips eyes trained on me as I talked to her. She hushed herself and went back to reading Dante, she had started it about 40 minutes ago and so far she found it interesting but she didn't know how to memorize something like this though, the content seemed too different compared to what she had worked on before at her other school, she had worked on Hemingway, Shakespear, but nothing like Dante. 

With Shakespear, the works were what made the pieces beautiful, the complex terms were what made the works beautiful but with this... this was just beautiful madness. The ideals of the books weren't like anything she had read before, the thought of having to write an essay or just explain the books, scared the living day lights out of her. 

The bell rung loud and forceful, the sound breaking the illusion of it all. Laura grabbed her by the arm and pulled her up out of the chair and towards the door. Limbo grabbed at her bag with the book in the other hand. "Laura." Mr. Phillips called. The two girls stopped and turned slowly. "Please take care of Ms. Willaims for me."

"Of course." Laura said happily. "I'm sure that we are already friends." Friends? Limbo thought. She didn't know much about Friendship, but she couldn't imagine it happening that quickly, but then again, she had never had anyone talk or act the way that Laura did. 

"Well. Do remember, she is only human." He told her. 

"Thanks, Mr. P." She told him. They quickly turned and went out the door, being followed by the blonde haired guy that had already been in the classroom when she had come in. The halls were once again filled with people, and Limbo could already see the class distinction in the hallways.

The average joes, like herself that just stayed close to the ground. The princesses, which Limbo strived to stay away from and the jocks, there didn't seem to be anyone much like her, no Nerds or anything like that.

Laura walked in front of Limbo, Limbo tried to stay close but it was hard seeming that some of the Jocks were so interested in her. "Hey sweet heart!" One of them called to her.

"Hey Jackass." She told him. "The black eye looks nice on you."

"It would look good between your legs." He tried telling her as he strode towards her. 

"It would look good on a spit." She told him, finally making him back off. Laura turned and smiled at Limbo, shrugging she told her that is happened a lot and if someone talked to her like that she just had to stand her ground. 

Limbo's next class was Photography and although she was slightly hestitate to enjoy any of her subjects today, seeming that her first one had already taken a turn for the worst, she knew that she shouldn't have come here. The house. The school. The books. The teachers. Something wasn't right about her life here. It didn't add up. 

Laura was right about the project though and it sort of matched Limbo's personality perfectly. Life and Death. She hadn't really decided what to think about Laura yet. She seemed nice enough and Limbo knew that she'd be lying if she said that she wasn't comfortable around her, but it seemed weird how protective Laura was over her, but she didn't judge, some people just acted differently compared to others. Limbo's Photography Teacher was Mrs. Bengara, or it sounded something like that anyway. She was plain, but she could imagine her being beautiful at one point in her life. "Guys, you can have a look around the school and see what you can find, shot wise, you have the whole lesson." 

Laura turned around to me and smiled her teeth sparkling white. She had a cute smile, Limbo could imagine her playing the role of the 'girl next door' she just looked like that was that type of person. "We have 45 mins to get all the shots you need with me in them." She told me. 

"It's ok. I only need five." Limbo knew her stuff well when it came to photography and she could see the types of shots that she could do with someone like Laura. 

"Ok Limbo. Let see what you got."  We left the classroom and went down to the track, where a guys gym class was taking place, we sat down under a tree camera in one hand a book in the other. Laura got to violently texting on her phone, Limbo didn't asked to who. They didn't say anything for a while, but Limbo wanted to get this project done. 

"You've got sunglasses?" Limbo asked. 

"Yeah. Why?" She asked. 

"And you wonder why Photography is hard for you." Limbo smirked. "Just pass me the glasses" 

Laura laughed, but gave the sunglasses to her. Limbo directed Laura over to a tree and set her up for a shot, setting the camera to a night time setting and putting the glasses over the lens and letting the camera do its thing, the shot was taken. "All done." She told her. 

The bell rung and they both went back getting ready for Lunch, Limbo's favourite period. And where she'd meet Grace and George and be finally introduced to Darcy. 

Soul Captors: Book One - Dante's TruthWhere stories live. Discover now