Soul Captors: Book One - Dante's Truth - Chapter Six

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Hey Guys, 

I'm going for a double in a day. I don't know how I'll go but I can always try. I hope you guys like this chapter it should be good and I hoping that there is a bit of comedy in it. Well that's what I hope for anyway. Tell me what you think of the series so far and what you like and don't like about the characters. I really what to know what you guys think about it. 

Laura got Limbo to sit down at one of the tables while she got us both lunch, she didn't expect much from the lunch room but Laura seemed to be a pretty good lunch buddy and she definitely knew what was good and what wasn't. When Laura came back, she had two others tagging behind her. They seemed to be close and suddenly, very obviously, Limbo found herself an outisider. 

One girl. One boy. They both seemed to be the same age as Laura was although the boy did seem older. The girl helped Laura with the food as the boy tried hopelessly to eat the food before it was even on the table. The girl had the same hair as Laura, soft brown waves, but this girl's eyes seemed much more attractive than Laura's dark green, almost like the colour of a field. Her build was slightly smaller than Laura's and the girl seemed a lot more muscular when compared to Laura, she smiled at Limbo as she sat down. 

The boy continued to talk about Ancient History as he sat down, totally ignoring Limbo. He wore a tailored suit and tie and his shoulder length brown hair was pulled back into a tight low ponytail, he had the same eyes as Laura and the same skin, as did the girl. The girl reached out to a hand to Limbo. "Hi. I'm Grace and this is George." She gestured to the boy sitting next to her as he continued to yap, Grace punched him in the arm silencing him and making him pay attention to what was going on. 

He smiled at her. "Well, hello there Beautiful." He told her. "I'm George."

"Yeah, I already told her while you were talking about failing the last semester." George looked angrily at Grace. 

"I refuse to believe I have failed. I do agree that I refuse to take the exams, but if anything I should be praised for standing up against the injustice of exams. I'll start a rebellion. Like Boudicca. I'll dye my hair red and get on a horse and ride you all to freedom." He told them. Then he looked over to Limbo again. "So Beautiful, I really need to know a name otherwise I'll just keep calling you beautiful."

"It's Limbo." She told him. She couldn't repute the fact that George was handsome, but in a brotherly sort of way to her. She shook his hand when he stretched it out to her. She found that she would be having Grace in Advanced Maths and George could take her to Ancient History and Greek. Although, Grace warned her not to commit to her studies like George did. George looked rather tall for such a young age, but Limbo stayed away from the subject as she had a feeling that he might've been older than all of them and had to repeat this grade, which would've explained why he was so against school all together. 

Limbo asked George if he could take her to the school library and after many 'pants' jokes he finally agreed, but not after announcing to the whole lunch room that she wanted in his pants. She could've killed him with her glare. 

Limbo had planned to spend most of her time in the library, but seeming how she was going with making friends she didn't think that that would've been the case anymore. The library was huge and they quickly lost sight of each other, although Limbo didn't mind. She was looking for books about Dante, she knew that she had to keep her grades up and that meant having to learn more about Dante, even though she didn't think after reading one hundred books she would understand anything, it was like another language. 

Finally she found the small section the library had on Dante, standing on a chair she reached for the books grabbing as many as she could, the chair shook underneath her, making her panic, she could feel herself slipping off the chair, she looked down as she fell, she didn't scream as she fell she only looked down. 

She closed her eyes as she fell. Soft strong arms curled around her as she fell, keeping her from hitting the ground, her hands automatically grabbed around the guys neck, still keeping her eyes closed. She sighed in relief. "George, thank you. How did you find me?" She asked as the opened her eyes and looking up. She gasped as she found that George hadn't been the one to catch her. The boy's bright blue eyes glared down at her and she recognised him as she examined him further, she pushed away from him quickly, banging into the chair that she had been standing on. It was the boy from her Advanced English class this morning. 

"Well I don't know who this George is. But you can call me whatever you want." He told her, as he crossed his arms over his chest. 

"I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else." She told him as she turned to run away from him. 

"Don't I get a thank you. Or at least a name. Isn't that generally what a Prince gets when he saves a Princess." He told her. Limbo's eyes widen as he called her a Princess, she hated the word with a passion. 

"Excuse me?" She asked walking back over to him. 

"What's your name?" He asked a smirked smeared across his face. 

"Limbo" She told him, turning away from him. 

"Like in Dante's Inferno." He grabbed her by the arm and turned her around to be close to him. She held her breath for the moment, he was so close to her, she panicked and stepped back. 

"Yeah I guess. What's yours?"

"Darcy." He told her. 

"Isn't that a girl's name." She turned on her heels and grabbed her books off the ground before leaving the library and meeting George outside. 

The rest of the day went rather quickly and apart from Grace, Laura or George, she didn't get to know anyone, but she didn't mind. She walked herself home, thinking that Haden had forgotten about her. As usual she was right, but seeming that he had been doing so much work on the house, she would've been suprised if he had remembered about school, but luckily he had a suprise for her when she got home, throughout the day the builders had gotten electricity and water to the house and had connected both the upstairs and downstairs bathrooms, meaning that Limbo could develop the picture that she took of Laura today. 

Her father was polishing the metal stairwell as Limbo walked in. "Hello Limbo. How was school?" 

"Good. I made friends." She told him. 

"Friends? Who knew you were capable of something like that." He laughed at the thought, but smiled at the fact that she know had friends in this place. He had such found memories of Angelica and their lives her growing up, now he just wanted to her to have the same chance to make memories that he had.

"Yeah three actually." 

"That's good. I actually set up the downstairs bathroom today for you."


"Your own personal dark room. I thought you could be using it as your doing Photography at school." He explained. Limbo could feel her breath quickening and her eyes widening as he told her. She wrapped her arms around him as she hugged him screaming 'thank you's' into his ear. Without saying anything to her father she took the camera from school into the bathroom and started developing the images. 

Soon enough the image could be seen on the photography paper. The tree placed in the back corner of the shot. Laura's hand on the tree as she looked back at the camera, but then there was something that Limbo hadn't seen when she had original taken the shot. Limbo's eye focused on the shapes that the light had caught. Limbo's eyes widened as she looked closer at what the image was. 

"Oh shit" She whispered to herself. 

Cliffhanger. :P hope you guys liked this chapter, I did and it is about to get really exciting. What do you think she saw in the image? post your ideas below. 

Happy reading

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