Hospital Chaos

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Sark POV

Ohm ran to his car and drove off as Adam and I jumped into his, following closely behind. At the hospital Ohm bypassed the front desk and went straight to Max's room. Inside was a doctor and a couple of nurses standing around Max, who looked to be unconscious again. The doctor noticed us, he said something to the nurses then walked over to us.

He took a breath then looked at Ohm. "The amount of the damage isn't in the general area we had first thought it was. "

"And that means what exactly?" Ohms voice got caught in his throat while trying to keep his composure. "H-he's going to wake up right?" His eyes were filling with tears, but he managed to keep them back just enough.

"He will wake up but when he will wake up is unsure. Could be hours, to possibly month's." A couple tears broke lose. "The hit to his head did a lot of damage, so when he does wake up there may be some memory loss. We're not entirely sure how much but you should be prepared for it." That did it. That bit of information was enough to break his control. Tears were running down his face, and his breathing turned heavy. All he could manage was a nod of his head.

The doctor left and allowing us into the room. The nurses finished up then left. Ohm walked to the chair by Max's bed and sat down, burying his face in his hands. Adam walked up and put a hand on his shoulder. I stood at the end of the bed and just bit my lip.

'I don't even know the guy and I'm this torn up over it all. These two, their situation is so familiar. If there was only something more I could have done then to help, they'd still be here.'


'I should have done more, I'm sure there was something I could've....'

"Sark?!" I was pulled from my thoughts by Adam who looked concerned. "You okay there?"

"What?.... Uh oh yeah I'm fine. Just thinking."

Ohm took a deep breath and spoke up "You guys should go. I'm going to stay here with Max."

"Well if you want, but are you okay with being here alone?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

Adam and I gave each other a look then walked out. "I think I'm going to stay here.... In the waiting room."

"Alright Sark, call me if you need a ride back. See you later." Adam said and walked to the elevator. I went over and took a seat facing towards the room Ohm and Max are in. I played on my phone for the next few hours. It started getting dark out and my phone was almost dead. I went and looked into the room and Ohm was asleep leaning onto the bed, while Max was still unconscious. "Better call Adam before he falls asleep too, visiting hours are almost over." I had his number pulled and it started ringing, I headed towards the elevator not paying attention and ran into someone. "Sorry about that."

He smiled back "It's alright have a good night." He said then walked away. I hit the down button and waited, I looked at the guy who was still walking down the hall just as he turned into a room. As he did he reached into his jacket and pulled something out. Realization hit me and I bolted down the hall.

Adam had finally answered but all I said was to get here fast and hung up. Someone yelled inside the room "Max!!" I turned the corner looking into the room completely shocked. Max was out of his bed and had the guy up against the wall. He looked at me and in that second got shoved back losing his footing. The guy ran towards the door full force, I thought I was ready but he was faster and stronger then I had thought. He punched me in the face with the force of a car it seemed like and sent me flying back against the wall and onto the floor, I shook my head getting my focus back and looked around. He was already gone. "Damn it!"


Hours had passed since I got here, and I was falling asleep. I was laying against the bed, my hand on Max's hand. Everything seemed alright, the best it could be I guess. Just then someone grabbed my neck. I turned around and the light from the hall was making him look like a dark figure, the same as before. "ma.... max" I choked out as he gripped my throat harder with one hand and brought a knife up to my face with the other. I thought it was over, that I was gonna die like this next to Max.

In that moment Max jumped out of the bed and pinned the guy against the wall "Max!?" I looked towards the door as someone else appeared in front of it. It was Sark, Max must have looked too because the guy managed to push him back and onto the floor next to me. He ran towards the door and overpowered Sark. Next thing I knew people ran into the room helping Max back into the bed and me to my feet. A few nurse's and doctors were in here and Sark after getting his sense back. My mind was a jumbled mess, so much happened in a few short minutes.

I looked over to Max, who was sitting up in the bed talking with the doctor and tears just filled my eyes. I went to the side of the bed and looked at him. He looked confused when he noticed me at first but then smiled. "What no hug?" I broke and hugged him so tight. "Ooow ow..."

I pulled away quickly "S-sorry Max, I couldn't help myself." I sat down and laid my head next to him and he put his hand on my head. "It's alright Ohm, I didn't want you to stop." He pulled me into a hug and I just buried my head against his neck.

:3 Hi there

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