Midnight Mysteries

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Sorry if you all are wondering why I uploaded a new story instead of the next chapter to Sergeant Seananners but I'm having a hard time with the next chapter and I've been itching to start this story. I'm almost done with the next chapter so I'll try and get it up soon and I hope you enjoy this next story.

".... Max..... Max wake up.... Please wake up, I heard something downstairs..." Someone was whispering but my brain wasn't registering what was being said since I was mostly asleep. Then I felt something press against my lips pulling me from my slumber. I moaned into the kiss not from pleasure but just from being woken up.

"What's wrong?" I whispered slightly sitting up.

"I heard something fumbling downstairs, I think someone's in the house." I could hear the fear in his voice as he talked. I sat up instantly realizing what was going on. I got up and walked to the closet trying not to make a sound. I grabbed the bat I had tucked in there for occasion such as this although I wish I didn't need to.

"You stay in here, lock the door behind me." I whispered back to him as I made my way to the door.

"No I'm coming with you." He said while standing up

"No you're" I started to say

"Max I'm coming with you." He said stubbornly

I glared at him then sighed "Fine but stay close to me, got it." He nodded in response and just before we left the room I handed him the bat. He shook his head and tried to hand it back to me. "No keep it, if he tries and come up behind me you can hit him." He pulled the bat back against his chest and nodded. "Anyways I got these as weapons." I said smiling holding up my fists causing him to smile.

We slipped out of our room and made our way to the stair case. I looked over the railing but didn't see anything. Making our way down the stairs I motioned for him to stay a few steps back. Now on the ground floor at the entryway. To my left was the dining room, it was empty so I looked to my right where the living room was, still no site of anyone.

We went through the living room and to the kitchen. The backdoor was cracked open. My heart sped up to the realization that there was actually an intruder in the house. My partner came up behind me and was shaking in fear after looking at the door. The kitchen was clear, I gestured him to go look around the corner into the dining room while I walked to the basement door.

I cracked open the door and heard someone rummaging through our stuff. I tip toed my way down the stairs. As I turned to look around I saw him. The intruder was in the far corner of the room going through a box. I came up behind him ready to take him down when he turned and punched me in the face knocking me into some shelves.


"Stay up there!! Call the police!" I yelled up the stairs as I charged the intruder. I rammed into him pushing him into the box he was recently looking through. We struggled for a bit but I fell to the ground as he hit my head with something. I was dazed for a few seconds before shaking it off and standing up and throwing a punch. It connected to his face sending him falling back against the wall.

Pulling my arm back again ready to send another blow to his face but I was caught off guard. He had kicked my feet right out from under me causing me to fall on my butt. He got up and was on top of me punching my face and stomach.

He stopped and the little bit of light that was coming through the window was enough for me to see his grinning face, my stomach coiled up in disgust. Getting up and walking around me, like he was.... studying me, he chuckled. I continued to glare at him.

I tried get to my feet but he kicked my stomach, I clenched it and groaned in pain. Trying once again to get up I succeeded this time but not for long. Something hit my head hard and fast, something big, something metal. I was out cold before I hit the ground. Completely swallowed by darkness.

I know it's short but I think it's a good way to start it up ^ω^

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