Chapter 1

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It has been raining for over than two hours now, and I am still here looking out my window. I've unlimitedly loved the rain because it never failed to have this soothing effect on me. For the while it rained, I could pretend that all my problems get washed away by the pure diamonds gliding down the sky. I could pretend that with every drop shattering on the ground, a wish of mine would come true.

However, today I wasn't paying as much attention to the rain as much as I was paying attention to my beautiful stranger next door. He'd moved to the apartment just across mine about 7 months ago. My holy blessed room window has a full view of his. I've been watching him for what seemed like forever, yet just a fraction of a second, too careful not to be seen, too careful not to make any sudden moves that would grab any attention. His hair was the kind of messy perfect, and he had eyelashes which I'd kill for. He stirred a bit in bed, so that his fully built shoulders became exposed. His skin wasn't white, or dark. He had just a perfect tan. I've been obsessed with the nameless guy, yet, he had no idea I even exist.

My eyes caught the freckles on his face, which I actually have theories about: 1. they were actually stars at a point, and then God had given him them as a gift, or 2. When he was little someone sprinkled cinnamon on his cheeks. While I was trying to count their number and connect them remotely, there was a smile on his face, I assumed he was dreaming, but then all of a sudden his eyes popped open, and I found myself caught between the oceans of his dark blue eyes.
Our eyes locked for god knows how long, and I was begging dear life that I gain control over my eyes and look away. But then, he closed his eyes once again, and I hoped I was just imagining, because of coarse I was. He couldn't have seen me, I thought. I sat down near the window trying to calm down my inside which had collapsed because of just a look, trying to stop my imagination from going wild. I've been up since dawn because I didn't want to miss his profile. I was extremely tired, I must have been hallucinating. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep on the old floor before I even realized it.
I realized she was staring at me like always. Most of the time, I dismiss her stares and pretend I can't see her, but today I was feeling playful, so I toppled to the side where I had a full view of her face, I looked at her from beneath my lashes right then, she put her palm on the cold glass of the window, and though I couldn't see her face fully, I made out that she was squinting as if trying to get a better view. Right then I couldn't help but smile and then I opened my eyes to meet hers.

I was doing it teasingly, but right when my gaze caught hers, there was something about her eyes, about her broken features between the drops of rain. Her face became tomato red, which made me want to laugh, but I didn't because right then, the world as we know it was still going on, but we, we were caught in a world of our own. A world with something demanding to be felt. An ache in my chest distracted me. I closed my eyes immediately. Was I... After all those year... With the creeper next door... I dismissed the thought immediately. I laid there for 10 minutes without moving, waiting for that stupid thing in my chest to calm down. When I opened my eyes, she was gone.

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