Kyle David Hall Imagine

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"So hey Kyeforce today I have a very very VERY special guest my best friend Y/N !!!"(<- your Name ) Kyle said to the camera as I came into the view. Kyle and I have be friends since the day I moved to Ohio. He was the first person I met . We bonded over music . He was always so cute , his smile , his laugh, his everything ! "Y/N !! Y/N!! earth to Y/N !" Kyle yelled bringing me back from my day dream. "O-oh sorry , I was just thinking about something." I said cautiously. "Thinking about what?" Kyle questioned. "About Andy Biersack ." I said making up a lie . Resulting in Kyle cracking up laughing .

                                          ∆  After the video ∆

Kyle and I decided to go on a walk since we both got bord. "I'll race you to the park !" Kyle said . The park wasn't that far away so I thought why not ? I didn't say anything to him I just started running. After about 3-6 mins I made it to the park first. "I won !" I stated probably. " Cheater." Kyle mumbled. "Hey, I deserve a reward!" I played around with him like old times. Before I could do anything I felt a pair of lips on mine . It was like something from a movie. We pulled away for air. "Will u be my girlfriend?" Kyle asked the question I was waiting for my whole life. "Yes ,of course!!!" I said excitedly. "Well there you go there's your reward" Kyle giggles. "You ass" you hit him playfully. Kyle giggles. "Now that's no way to treat your boyfriend" Kyle pouts . "Whatever" I roll my eyes playfully. Kyle kiss me on the cheek. And whispers "you know you love me" "you got that right" I say.

THE END 🐼✌~👻

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