President Snow

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2: President Snow

Gale POV

I don't have much of a choice here. It may be my house, but President Snow calls all the shots. "Of course," I say, bowing my head slightly and opening the door. We lead him into the living room and sit down. Snow is exactly as I remembered him from the Capitol: around eighty years old, calculating eyes, large, blood red lips and the smells of enhanced roses and blood on his breath.

President Snow enters the house with small, slow steps. "Thank you Mr Hawthorne. I was wondering if I could borrow a moment of yours and Miss Everdeen's time," he requests.

"Of course," Katniss says through gritted teeth. When it comes to Snow, she's not very good at hiding her hate. If she had a bow and arrow right now, I could guarantee that he would be dead with an arrow through his eye. We lead him into the living room and sit down. He leans over the table.

"Miss Everdeen, Mr Hawthorne, have you perhaps thought upon your actions in the Games?" he asks slowly.

"We have," I respond.

"And did you come to the conclusion that you are in a.." he pauses for a second, "delicate," he says finally relishing the word, "position?"

"We noticed," Katniss says drily.

"Yes, your act of love could have easily been seen as an act of rebellion," he agrees with her. "And that is bad for all of us, isn't it? You would be putting yourself in danger and throwing the whole of Panem into civil war." I notice how he doesn't add that it would cause the corrupt Capitol to fall.

"Yes, but it was for love," I assure him.

"Let's say I believe you here," Snow says smiling. "But they don't. The majority of Panem would see this as an opportunity. If a boy and girl from District 12 of all places can defy the Capitol, then they can. So I need you to convince them. Convince them that your actions were motivated by love, not rebellion. Show them that you support the Capitol."

"That would be easier if you were more human," Katniss snaps at him. "How can we show that we support you if at the end of this year you're going to create some sick, twisted Hunger Games to prey on people's fear?" I touch Katniss's shoulder lightly, to remind her that Snow holds the power here. "Sorry," she adds, not sounding sorry at all.

"By avoiding outbursts like that for a start," Snow says. "And impressing the Capitolites. As I said: convince them that your actions were of love. Even better, convince me. Now how are you going to do this?" he questions us.

"I was going to propose," I suggest.

Snow steeples his fingers. "Excellent," he says. "I will have your stylist design appropriate clothes for the occasion. Cinna, wasn't it?"

"Yes," Katniss mutters.

"Well thank you for your time," Snow says, getting up to leave. "This conversation has been most interesting. And remember, it's essential that you do as I say. I would hate to have to kill anyone." But he can't kill us. For once, we have the upper hand. Us and our families are safe and sound. Snow exits the room and a few second later we hear a door shutting behind him.

Katniss and I look at each other for a second, making sure that he is gone before releasing our anger. "That piece of filth," I shout. "Threatening others if we don't do as he says!"

"At least he can't get to us or our families," Katniss points out.

"He can get to others in 12 though," I rage. "What about people like Delly or Madge or Melanie?" I ask her. "They could be killed easily if we don't do as he says."

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