Haymitch's Story

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8: Haymitch's Story

Gale POV

The people of District 12 disappeared after the announcement, probably to celebrate. They don't have to go back into the Hunger Games. They don't have to watch anybody that they love going into the Hunger Games. Even more dangerous games than usual as this year everybody will have experience and skill. The career alliance won't be the only one to look out for. I feel my breath coming out quickly as I run towards Katniss. She is standing still, staring at the floor. I approach her slowly. At least I have a chance to not go into the Games.

"Katniss?" I ask cautiously. "Are you OK?" Katniss's head snaps up and I can see tears held in her eyes. She looks so broken by this announcement and I don't blame her. She is shivering and breathing slowly and I can feel the amounts of anger and fear rolling off her.

"Gale, I have to go in again," she says. She wipes her hand across her face, taking away some of the moisture from her eyes. Her voice is steady and determined. "And you have to promise me that if Haymitch is reaped, you won't volunteer. Do you promise?" she asks, staring into my eyes.

"Why would I volunteer?" I ask. "I know now that you won't let me die for you. The Capitol won't let both of us live again. If I go into the Games then it will end in either one of us being dead and the other heartbroken or both of us dead. So I promise. I promise that I won't volunteer if Haymitch is picked." And I will do my best to get Haymitch to volunteer if I am chosen, I think. Haymitch knows how important we are to the rebellion. With the right reasoning it might be possible to get him to volunteer for me. But I can't count on that.

"We need to train," Katniss says, getting her emotions under control. "This year we will be fighting against experienced and trained killers- experts. Last time we only just got out alive. We need to learn how to fight without weapons and learn to use close weapons. Maybe Haymitch can teach us. He went back to his house, I think."

"OK. He must be feeling pretty bad about this," I say. "After all, he isn't in the best shape to win another Hunger Games, so if he is reaped then he almost certainly die. It's a fifty-fifty chance for him. If I don't get reaped then I will need advice mentoring as well. Haymitch was a pretty good mentor."

We walk together back to Victors Village. On the way, we can see people celebrating the twist. Katniss and I may be well-liked in the District, or amongst the people of the Seam at least, but survival instinct wins out unless you really are in love with that person, like I was for Katniss. I wouldn't have volunteered for Madge or Prim or any of my other friends, though I would for family. I don't resent them for celebrating, I would be doing the same thing if I were in their shoes. Mixed with hatred for the Capitol of course for breaking one of the Hunger Games rules that nobody can go into an arena twice.

I wonder if this actually was the twist that was set for the third Quarter Quell or whether this was just set up by Snow to punish and kill us. My mind says the latter, though it is possible that it was coincidence. Seems unlikely though. It makes me hate Snow more than I usually do. We played his games the way he wanted. I proposed, I acted that I love the Capitol. Maybe it was because of what happened in District 8, though killing me off will just make them want to rebel more.

Maybe Snow just wants revenge, just wants to see us die. I doubt that though. Snow doesn't seem the type to act on his emotions, doesn't seem the type to crave revenge. No, what he wants is power- and power is kept by making the logical decisions. That's part of what makes him so dangerous. He isn't like the cartoon villains that heroes can provoke into making a reckless decision and letting them kill him and save the day. He is more comparable to a robot. No emotions, no morals. Only logic and a hunger to be obeyed. He has no better side that we can appeal too, he has no weakness.

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