The Cupcake Fic

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Alrity here we go,get ready for really terrifying smut u crazy bitchnipples (heard that from someone earlier and now it's my fav word)

When Ray Toros' innocent eyes first saw it, he almost melted. He ran over to the window and stuck his face against the glass, eye-fucking the object he saw before him.

"Mommy, I want that one!" He whined, pointing to a cute, strawberry cupcake perched up on a pedestal behind the glass inside a sketchy bakery.

"No honey you have had too many cupcakes. Last time you choked on them and almost died because you put too many in your mouth." Rays mommy said, shaking her head. "How about something else, like ice cream or cookie—"

"NO! RAY WANT CUPCAKE! OR DIE!" He screamed, angrily pulling out a curl from his giant afro.

"Fine, chill." She said, buying him the cupcake and giving it to Ray.

Ray could barely contain his happiness. That day was one of the best days of his life, he had never met a cupcake so lovely, so delicious. He spent the whole day with the small, strawberry cupcake. Loving it, caring for it, reading it a bed time story. When he knew the cupcake was asleep he ate it of course, but made sure to do it quickly so he wouldn't hurt the cupcake.

A few years later, when Ray was older and more mature, he met another cupcake. Except this time, things were different. He felt strange towards the new cupcake, something that didn't feel like friendship. This cupcake was a lot bigger, and had much more pink icing swirled on top, along with a tiny little candy heart.

Every time Ray looked at the cupcake he would blush, or feel a funny feeling in his stomach. He thought maybe he had feelings for it— oh but that would be crazy! Feelings for a cupcake? Pfft. Not Ray Toro!

But oh yes.

Ray Toro definitely had feelings for that cupcake. But not just any old feelings, those were the feelings of lust. Also known as 'fuck me now you sexy cupcake'.

A couple of days after he bought the cupcake from the sketchy bakery place, he couldn't take it anymore. He took the cupcake into his room, locked the door, and jumped onto his bed with the cupcake still in hand.

"Cupcake..." He said, looking down and blushing. He waited for a response.

The cupcake didn't move.

"I... I think I... I-I think I love you..." Ray whispered, blushing even harder.

The cupcake, once again, didn't move.

"Oh, y-you love me too?" He yelled out of excitement, almost dropping the strawberry cupcake. "Oh my fuck... come here Cupcake!"

Ray pulled the cupcake towards his face and began making out with it, icing smearing all over his face. A few moments after licking it and kissing it everywhere he pulled away, making sure there was still icing left. Fortunately there were still heaps and layers of pink icing left over, the small candy heart still in place.

Ray stared at the cupcake for a while, admiring it.

"Oh cupcake..." He murmured, starting to slowly peel off the paper. Eventually he stripped down the entire cupcake and tossed the paper somewhere behind him, leaving a completely naked cupcake.

"Oh..." Ray moaned, dragging his fingers around the cupcake. "Fuck your so fucking hot..."

He started breathing heavily, swallowing hard. Accidentally, Ray stuck his hand in the cupcake. He pulled out slowly and stuck his fingers in his mouth, sucking the icing off slowly while lathering his fingers with saliva. The cupcake stayed still, which to Ray, was the hottest thing he has ever seen.

The Cupcake Fic [Starring Ray Toro]Where stories live. Discover now