1. Our Weak Link

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"Make it stop! Make it stop!" Stiles cried out, grabbing onto Scott's arm. Scott's expression was far more than perturbed, as he held onto Stiles. "Is it happening again?" Scott asked. "Yes!" Stiles cried out, his eyes darting around the room frantically, avoiding Scott's direction. For the past two days, Stiles has been having temporary blindness. Things go blurry, sometimes there are black patches, and sometimes he can't see altogether for a few seconds. He's gone to the doctors, tried glasses, but nothing is working.

Stiles' dad has been apprehensive and stressed, trying to figure out what's happening to his son. "Alright, alright, what's it like?" Scott asked. "I can't see anything, anything at all! It's been more than twenty seconds!" Stiles panicked, "We're going to the hospital now, and I'll call your dad, just stop moving" Scott ordered, worried Stiles would bump into something and hurt himself. Stiles had always naturally been restive, jittery and slightly maladjusted. But now that he was in a panic, Scott feared he would be worse.

"We've run tests but all that's come up is his ADD, nothing new at all" Melissa said, holding a file that read 'STILINSKI' on it. The hospital was calm today, the occasional nurse walking down the hall, but thankfully no serious injuries. "Sheriff" Lydia said behind him. Stiles' father turned around to look at Lydia, furrowed eye brows. Melissa turned around and made her way to the front desk. John's eyes widened and his stance and facial expression became defensive. "No. No, no, no, no. This is not a supernatural thing, Lydia" the Sheriff said, a hand out in a 'let-the-normal-people-handle-this' kind of way. "I just want to tell you what I-" "-No, you see- you see dead people, Lydia. Not my son, no my son's not going to die- he- he just" John choked, looking at his son lying in his bed, wide eyed and looking at the ceiling.

The Sheriffs eyes began to water, a hand over his mouth. Lydia noticed he looked somewhat lost, defeated, and desperate. She took the fact that the Sheriff hadn't asked her to leave yet as a good sign, and spoke. "I saw Stiles with white eyes, floating through rooms" Lydia said. John remained silent a moment, pushing down his worry and interpreting the 'vision' Lydia presented him. "Floating? White eyed? ... Like, a ghost? A ghost or something? Dead?" he sputtered nervously. "I didn't feel ghost, I felt... OK" Lydia said. "Well its good to know you feel OK Lydia, because I don't" Sheriff said, walking over to the front desk and arranging things with Melissa on the folder, signing things.

Scott came around the corner holding a coffee, handing it to Lydia. "White eyes?" he asked, since he had been listening to Lydia from around the corner and down the hall. "Yeah, Scott, it was weird. But it was like everything was OK, Stiles will be alright..." Lydia said, turning her head and looking at Stiles, care on her features. "I'm calling in the pack" Scott said, pulling out his cell phone and sending them all a text updating them on Stiles' condition.

Derek, Isaac, Boyd and Erica came in one car. Allison came on her own, and approached Scott. "How is everyone?" Allison asked. "They knocked Stiles out, cause he just wouldn't stop hyperventilating. Lydia feels guilty about telling Stiles' father what she saw..." Scott trailed off, understanding where Lydia was coming from. No one really knew everything there is to know about the Supernatural, and its hard when it comes to mortal families and telling the truth when you don't even know what the whole truth is. Deaton was the only one who knew a lot about the Supernatural, and he would be home in a week from a business trip. "And Derek... Looks like someone killed his puppy?" Scott said, slightly confused, looking through the glass and seeing Derek looking down at Stiles' motionless body. 

"Oh wow" Allison said. They both knew full well Derek could hear them, but Scott was hoping that his thoughts were just as focused on Stiles as his eyes were. "Where's the rest of the pack?" Allison asked. "Jackson's packing for London. Isaac, Boyd and Erica are raiding the vending machines. They're worried, but no where near as much as me. What's going on, Allison?" Scott said, shaking his head slightly, fighting back tears that were threatening to prick his eyes. He had no idea why he was crying, it wasn't him that was in trouble. But it was Stiles, his best friend, his brother, a member of the pack. Perhaps he was crying because he couldn't help Stiles, he was helpless, and had no clue what to do.

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