2. Can't Help But Love You

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Song: This was actually played on Teen Wolf where you see Theo skating. BUT I thought it worked much better for this story, because of the lyrics, 'I can't help but love you, even though I try not to, I can't help but want you, and I know that I'd die without you' like come on!


Isaac put on a movie, and Derek wanted to head bang his head through a fucking wall. Stiles couldn't see. And it only took seconds after putting it in for everyone else to realize that, too. Peter sat on the end of the couch, eating Stir Fry with a blanket wrapped around him. "So why The Crucible? A rather... Odd movie choice, isn't it?" Peter asked. "We have to study it this term, and we may as well be ahead of everyone" Lydia said. "The books are better" Derek said. "I'd prefer to read the book..." Stiles noted. Everyone was silent, since that was the first time Stiles had spoken in a while. Now even more awkward when others thought about how Stiles now couldn't read.

"You guys don't have to turn into ghosts whenever I speak, you know, I can see in my head your stupid faces looking all worried and stuff. I'm gonna be fine, this is temporary" Stiles said. "Yeah but the doctors can't even find anything-" Isaac was saying, but was cut off. "Isaac how many times do we have to go over the fact that the doctors don't recognize the Supernatural? They won't pick anything up in their scans. Idiot" Derek said, grabbing Stiles' hand and picking him up. "Whoa, whoa, what're you doing Derek?" Stiles said, flailing his arms around to stabilize himself. Derek raised an eye brow, how had he known Derek was the one to heave him up?

"We're going to leave these guys and go somewhere where people don't make stupid comments" Derek said, guiding Stiles to his bedroom. "Where are we?" Stiles asked. "My bedroom" Derek grumbled. "Y-your bedroom?" Stiles stuttered. "Y-yes" Derek mocked, knowing the wolves could hear him. And he knew for a fact that they were listening. No one had ever been inside Derek's room. Not even Peter. And Derek never willingly spent time with people... Especially no where near as intimate of a setting such as a bedroom. "So, uh, why are we in here?" Stiles asked. Derek shut the door. Not that it will help, he thought. "Cause Isaac is making stupid comments and doing activities that require sight" Derek said, and Stiles could hear the eye roll.

Stiles smirked and blew out a short laugh through his nose. "What?" Derek asked, raising an eye brow. "I don't even have to see your face to know there's a brooding scowl on it" Stiles said. Derek frowned. "Want to lie down or something?" Derek asked, noticing how Stiles was just standing there awkwardly. "Yeah, I'm a little tired" Stiles said. Derek came closer to Stiles, taking one of their hands together and leading him to the bed. Stiles felt around in the air. "Lower" Derek said. "I'll get there" Stiles nearly hissed. Derek didn't like how Stiles snapped back at him, so Derek lifted him and dropped him into the bed, making Stiles squeak in surprise.

Derek winced at how much of an echo that sound would have made. Well if the pack weren't already listening they sure as hell are now, Derek thought. "Don't be a girl" Derek grumbled and took his shirt off, climbing into bed. "Me? A girl? I think you would be a little terrified if you suddenly couldn't see and someone three times your size picked you up and dropped you" Stiles said, and it might have meant to have come off as sarcastic... But Derek could hear the fear in his voice. "... Sorry" Derek whispered, resisting the urge to cup his face and cradle him. Stiles' scent was coming off of him in waves of fear and slight loneliness.

Derek thought about touching Stiles... Then wondered what an appropriate comfort method would be. After all, they're laying side by side in a dark room with a closed door... Derek lifted his hand and put it on Stiles' shoulder. Stiles was stiff at first, but within a minute he was asleep. Derek spread his fingers out against Stiles' shoulder blades and then dug his fingers into Stiles' back lightly so that he wouldn't wake. Derek dragged his fingers back into his palm and repeated the motion, giving Stiles a light back scratch, slowly, and lovingly. Derek used his werewolf vision to look on Stiles' sleeping face.

Derek sighed and moved his hand to Stiles' waist, letting it sit there. Nope, I'm being really creepy, he thought and retracted his hand to his own chest, closing his eyes and willing himself to fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2016 ⏰

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