Chapter 1: The Beginning of Something

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Chapter 1: The Beginning of Something

So, here's the situation.

A once in a lifetime opportunity to get my parents' permission to finally join one of my school's camping trips deep in the woods with all my close friends and classmates, an activity to navigate through the woods going to checkpoints all around in groups and absolutely no possible way of getting lost in the woods all by myself.

Except when you're talking about the not-so-famous-or-even-well-known Claire Woodrow, then you're talking about the impossible things becoming the possible. That, my friends, is the current situation I am in; lost, cold and alone in the dark woods just hoping for someone from my school to find me.

Yet, I didn't think that it could get any worse than this. Then, I remembered that it actually could, which explains the heavy rain I'm trying to run from right now. As the heavy rain keeps on falling with no mercy towards this poor fragile seventeen year old girl, the girl concentrated on finding shelter to take cover for a while.

Oh, that girl is obviously me. There's no other girl in the world that could be as tragic as I am right now.

I ran and ran for what felt like hours of gym training in this rain with the occasional lightning strikes and thunder roars across the sky until I finally saw something; a cave, to be exact. I quickly ran towards the cave and took refuge in it. I shivered uncontrollably as I dried myself up in the dark cave.

After drying myself, which didn't help much since my clothes are still wet anyway, I took the time to look around the cave. Since it was in the middle of the night, the cave was pitch black and as I turned to face outside of the cave, all I could see was the heavy rain falling in the dark.

I wonder if it will ever stop raining.

I sat on the ground facing the other side of the cave wall hugging my knees close to my chest keeping myself warm.

They'll realize I'm missing soon.

I breathed out through my mouth and could see my breath floating through the air. I felt a small breeze pass by and my teeth clattered against each other.

Wait a minute!

I looked towards the cave in wonder. I could've sworn the breeze just now came from inside the cave. Just as I had thought that, another breeze passes me by and this time it was stronger and warmer if that was even possible.

I stood up from the ground and turned my whole body towards the cave. I narrowed my eyes to try and see what could be the source of the breeze. I could hear a breeze coming towards me and as the breeze passes me, it felt a lot stronger and warmer than before.

Curiosity killed the cat.

I'm not a cat, though.

I looked back outside the cave; the heavy rain hasn't stopped yet. I hugged myself tightly and took a deep breath as I turn my eyes towards the dark cave.

It's going to be a while before anyone finds me anyway, right?

I exhaled and did the one thing I knew I shouldn't have, take the first step towards the cave and keep walking further inside. I rubbed my arms trying to gain some warmth and surprisingly as I got further inside the cave, it kept getting warmer and it was definitely pitch black.

I was more than happy when it got warmer but it was strange to me. I mean, maybe it's warmer because I'm further in the cave but it could also get colder, right?

Anyone know their science here?

That's when I realize I've been walking straight ahead in the cave without feeling my way around it. I could be running into the end of the cave for all I know. So, I spread my arms beside me and as soon as I did that, my left hand felt a surging pain coursing through its veins.

"Ow..." I let out a moan of pain slowly. That was awesome! Note the sarcasm, please.

I moved my hand around so that my palm would be touching the cave wall and took a few steps to my right to straighten my arm and build some gap between me and the wall. I started walking again and as I got further in the cave, which felt like it would never end, it started to get brighter.

Okay, now I know this isn't supposed to happen. Something is definitely fishy about this cave.

Even though my conscious thought kept telling me to go back, I can't help but to feed my curiosity. I wanted, no, felt like I needed to see the end of this cave. I t was as if my whole being has been waiting for this very moment.

Well, that sounded dramatic.

As soon as I thought that, it didn't just simply get brighter, it was blindingly bright that I had to squint both of my eyes to get used to the light. It took me a few more steps before I finally stop. I made it to the end of the cave and what made me stop was a white door.

I scanned the door and noticed four different coloured gems with some shape carving on them. Starting from my left, it was a sky blue gem with three circles on them. Next to it was a sea blue gem with three wavy lines carved parallel to each other. The third gem is a leaf green gem with a small triangle inside a square carving. The last one is a fiery red gem with line carvings in a fire-like shape.

I was fascinated by the colours of the gems. They were so beautiful it almost feels like a dream. Both my hands fell to my sides and I walked towards the door with the intention to take a closer look at the gems. I reached out my hand as I get close enough to touch it and that's when a strong wind came from behind me and in result almost knocked me face first on the door.

The wind didn't stop and I was starting to panic. I opened my eyes, which I didn't realized I had closed them, and saw the four gems shining. My eyes widened at the sight as all four of the gems detached it selves from the door and flew around me. The four gems circled me and all I could think was "I am so dead". I didn't know what to do.

I mean, what would anyone do if they were in my situation? No one would know. I doubt anyone would ever be in this situation. Suddenly, the door in front of me slammed open and the four gems grew brighter that I had to close my eyes.

What on earth is going on here? Somebody help me!

And just like that, all I remembered was the wind getting stronger and pushing me in to the door. The four gems emerge into one and went flying straight to my heart. I stopped breathing as I felt myself paralyzing. My body finally not able to fight off the wind flew right through the door.

All I saw was darkness as I finally gave up on everything and just let whatever happens, happen. I knew something was wrong the moment my parents agreed to let me go on this camping trip. This was it; the end of me. I can see the headlines now:

"Seventeen year old girl gone missing after going on her first ever school's camping trip."

My parents would definitely be scolding me about going on this trip. I managed to smile thinking about it. Then, I remembered that they allowed me to go. They would be blaming themselves about me going missing. I frowned and before my thoughts could go any further, I felt my consciousness slipping away and I blacked out.



Well, that's the first chapter of this story. I know it's not much but the next chapters might be a bit more interesting than this. Bare with me!

Please let me know if there are any grammatical errors so that I can edit them as soon as possible! Thank you, much love!





CK Salma

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