JPM's first big mission

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Chapter: 01 "JPM's first big mission"

It was December, Cold presence was everywhere.

"Burr! Its cold in here" you said covering your body with your cold hands.

You were sitting in your room next to a fire place, your place was huge and cool you loved red carpet so you placed one in your room, you had every facility as you were in a military. Yes, your parents were killed by some gang of terrorist, (your parents were also in a military) so you wanted to pay those shitty terrorists back.

This military takes out all the bad doers and stands for justice.

Today will be our first big mission. It will be starting soon... You've been waiting for this time for so looong, oh yeah I almost forgot, the military's name is Justice Parlor Military. JPM for short.

Our captain is really nice; he has the same past as me. His parents were also killed by a gang of terrorists. Everyone respects him a lot

The bell to the captain's call ringed, you heard the ring and quickly changed into your military uniform.

This was it, finally the moment you've been waiting for.

Everybody or you can say soldiers lined up quickly.

The captain started from the scratch as some people were new,

"- The most obvious route is not usually the best. Observe the enemy and go with the planed approach.

-Use the map, binoculars, and thermal imaging and peeking to study the enemy.

-By pass enemy guard; Sneak past security cameras and avoid triggering the alarm.

This will make our mission easy. We are going to blow out the thermal power of the enemy which takes out big areas, Try to stand distanced. You'll get more info in your micro phones. That's all. Any questions?"

"No sir" Everyone replied.

"Don't waste any time, move on the helicopter!" He pointed.

Everyone saluted and marched to the helicopter.

There were actually two helicopters. Half soldiers went on the other.

We arrived to our destination. It was quite a mountainous area.

Captain in microphone: Jump down... Go, Go, Go!

"Yes sir!" You nodded, and got your parachute ready.

Annnd off you jump!

Your parachute went wide open and after about a minute you were on land, You just couldn't believe yourself, This was the first time you did parachuting. It was scary and also beautiful...

We went with our silent guns. Using maps and binoculars.

Someone was shooting, Looks like they are aware.

Captain: Hide everyone!

More shooting.....

You were looking here and there to find a place to hide.

Ah you found a tree thank god.

This mission is hard.

You took out another gun an m-16 or whatever it's called, and started shooting.

It was like playing hide and shoot.

Captain: [Name] move forward, go, The thermal power plant is nearby.

"Y-yes sir" You nodded and moved forward according to the map.

Captain: [Name] dunk!

"huh?" A bullet crossed through your face about 0.001cm distance. Your eyes widened and the bullet went right into the chest of Meiko (Another soldier of ours).

"Bloody hell!" You looked at her.

"I am hit!, I am hit!" Meiko said resisting the unbearable pain.

You stood there frozen. "No" You whispered.

Captain: [Name] keep moving.

You tried to shove off your thoughts and moved forward.

That's it, you trespassed inside the power plant station.

Captain: All units back [Name] up! Don't let any enemy bypass, and [Name] I am counting on you!

You nodded and ran to the power plant.

You didn't worried about the enemies and just focused on your mission, because you knew you could rely on your friend.

"Okay Sir! I am in!" You pressed your microphone gently.

Captain: Okay good work, now blow this thing up!

"yes!" You stood a little distanced form it and took out your missile.

Lets do this. You took a deep breath, captains focus was all on you.

I am gonna die now. You pressed the button and huge amount of noise disturbed your ears.

You closed your eyes for a moment and when you re-opened them.... You found yourself okay, next to the destroyed machine.

"Yes! I did it!" You jumped excitedly!

Captain: Mission accomplished good job everyone!

This was a huge moment for you. A big victory!

You were so proud of yourself.

Now we just have to get to the helicopter and get to our base, then a victory celebration would be held.

"Victory Celebration here I come" You marched back to the helicopter exploding with excitement.

At the base we attended Meiko's funeral, and started celebrating our victory. (It was almost night 8:pm)

"Cheers!" The captain showed the drink in the air.

"Yeah!" Everyone did the same.

After the huge celebration everyone went back to their rooms.

"Aah..." You stretched your arms, "I am so tired!" You jumped on your bed and lied down on it with a pillow in your hands.

You started falling asleep, not until the alarm woke you up "What now?" You rubbed your eyes and got up from bed. The captain was calling everyone don't know why.

You quickly got dressed and headed out to where he (the captain) was calling.

Everyone gathered up, forming a straight neat line.

Captain started "Sorry to call you out here like this..." "...We are having a new member. Our squad will be needing him as everyone here knows that Meiko is no longer here so... Please meet our new partner Shion Kaito"

Everyone was curious to meet him and finally he came out of the dark spot...

~To be continued

[A/N]:Hello...! Finally I was able to write this story took me so long to think of a starting and now I don't even know what's going to happen next. And also sorry I didn't put to much Kaito in the first chapter, but he'll be coming soon. And from where did military popped out of my mind?

Any ways thank you so much for reading and giving time to my story hope you liked it and enjoyed.

I also have an account on Quotev, this is my own story, Its not copied from somewhere.

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