Rolling Thunder

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It was one of the worst thunderstorms Cassie had ever experienced. Lightning flashed as thunder roared across the sky, the wind howling in the trees, blowing down branches onto the streets below. One specific branch smacked itself across her window for hours, keeping her from falling asleep. She tossed and turned, tried using her headphones, then attempted to sleep with the pillow over her head. Nothing seemed to mute the outside world, until as if by wishing hard enough, the branch finally snapped and hit the ground. Now the smacking on her window was gone, but there was still the booming thunder and strong winds.

Somehow, Cassie was able to fall asleep. She was grateful, and felt at peace, even though it seemed her subconscious had other plans for this night. Her body stirred, her mind using the sounds of the storm to affect her dream. As the lightning cracked like a whip, Cassie shot right up. "No!" she screamed, her eyes darting around the room as her chest raised with each breath. As she finally focused on her surroundings, she realized she was back in her bedroom. She saw her bunny slippers on the ground, her teddy bear on the bed, and the poster of Superboy on her door. She was home, and she was safe.

"Okay..." She wiped the sweat from her brow as she reached for the phone. "That was waaaay too realistic to only be a nightmare. Maybe someone at the HQ is awake, I just need to calm down. I hope this storm didn't knock any power lines by me..." Cassie focused on calming her breathing as she typed the phone number to the Headquarters of her superhero team, Young Justice.

As if the storm wasn't loud enough to echo throughout the cave, there was now the repeated ringing of the phone, blaring throughout the remnants of the old HQ to the Justice League of America. It rang only a few more times before Kon-El drowsily answered. "H-Hello?" Kon did his best to hold back his yawn, but exhaustion got the best of him.

"Ohmigosh..." Cassie dropped the phone as her chest started to pound again. It's him, it's him! It'shimit'shimit'shim! Her excitement had mixed with the anxiety the nightmare had given her, causing her heart to go a mile a second. "K-Kon? Kon, is that you?" She asked, bringing the phone back up to her ear.

"Cass? It's..." Kon turned to the giant computer and looked at the time upon the screen, his eyes now widened upon the realization. "Cass, it's three in the morning! What gives?! What are you doin' up so early?! Calling here, no less, where the phone rings like a dang church bell..."

Lowering the phone from her face again, she spoke softly. "It is him!" Her face now fully blushing, she couldn't contain her smile. "He's worried about me, he's actu--oh no. He hates me, I woke him up. Nice one, Cassie, you ruined your chance to ever--" Cassie cut herself off, realizing that Kon was still on the other end of the line. Fumbling to bring the phone back to her ear, her voice trembled. "Oh, hi, Kon. It's just... Just, uuhhh... Oh, this is going to be so lame." Her hand covered her face as she shook her head.

"Are you alright, Wondy? You're sounding like you had one too many Twinkies before bed."

"Yes! Well, no. I mean, I'm not hurt. But at the same time, I'm not really well. To be honest, I'm not sure why I even called... Ehehehe." Cassie's nervous laugh escaped her as she scratched the back of her head, lightly smacking the phone against her head. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

"Uh-huh. Well, you try and figure that out while I go back to bed, 'kay? G'night Wo--"

"No, wait!" She yelled as Kon was about to rest the phone back onto the receiver. "Ar-Are you still there?" Her voice trembling again. "Please still be there..."

Kon sighed as he placed the phone back to his ear, his back now resting against the wall. "Yeah, I'm still here. What's up, Wondy? You sound like you've seen a ghost. And no, I'm not talkin' 'bout Secret."

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