The heartbroken girl

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There she was on an autumn night,

grieving for her lost love, her life's only light,

A sonorous melody meant just for her,

helping her heart so contracted , to unfurl,

With her back set to the wall,

for once, she felt her breath rise and fall,

listening to a melody, worthy of music hall,

played by an artist , in his Elysium like withdrawl.

She looked at her gnarled nails , once so pretty,

but now bitten out for a boy so witty,

wondering why he broke her heart,

as she was sure he wasn't her life's Voldemort .

His halo of blonde hairs, she though with a sigh,

how they fell down on his gold rimmed blue eyes,

she caught a glimpse of oncoming pink streaked heavenly sky ,

unable to console herself, her dreams were apparently a lie.

Never did she knew that this boy of hers,

was just as scant of warmth and mirth,

dark thought clouded her tear streaked face,

all she could do was hope and so at heaven she gazed .

Hey , thanks for reading . One last time , turn over ;)

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