The Mirthless Boy

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He sat on the roof of his material shell,

and wondered regretfully if she could tell,

that he hadn't meant whatever he said,

all he knew that his heart, whole she made.

On that night , he was like a werewolf,

his old treacherous memories were his full moon,

It was the day when his father left him

with a big fortune , but his life got dimmer and was still dim.

Until the good day when he met her,

filling color in his life so dull,

now he knew he had committed the biggest mistake of his life,

he was no paying the price for his father's strife.

He now lay on his back, gazing at the stars,

wondering how they still shone , albeit all the bloodshed they had seen and wars,

his life was now darker than the wings of night,

he knew that he had extinguished the light in her eyes so bright .

He knew he was damned for eternity,

still he loved his father , who had shattered his sense of fraternity ,

I wish he knew that his princess still waited for him,

and for his father , he was like a lost precious limb .

If you liked my piece , please comment to let me know:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2016 ⏰

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